Lindsay Lohan Racy Gun Photos

Lindsay Lohan’s latest head-turning photo shoot! – Subscribe Now! – Like Us! – Follow Us! Lindsay Lohan plays with guns in her latest photo shoot with famed photographer Terry Richardson. The shutterbug posted the new series of pictures to his official tumblr page — and while we get that Lohan likes to participate in these creative and edgy photo shoots… these pics are definitely shocking. In several of the images, we see Lohan playing with a gun… holding it up to her head, inside her mouth and even under her chin… and I’m not going to lie, it’s a little morbid. In the rest of the pictures, we see Lindsay inside a hotel room at her favorite LA spot — The Chateau Marmont… and she’s holding hair brushes, going through her luggage, and can be smoking a cigarette on the bed. Now, this isn’t the first time Lindsay has teamed up with Terry Richardson…. Nor is it the first time she’s played with guns in a photo shoot. If you’ll remember, she also caused controversy when she posed with guns, knives and fake blood for a photo shoot with Tyler Shields. My question to you after checking out her most recent pics is — do you think Lohan is going too far with these provocative photo shoots… and do you think this particular one is derailing her career comeback? Go ahead and leave your thoughts on Lindsay in the comment section below and then click that subscribe button for tons more news on Lohan and all of your other favorite celebrities

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25 Responses

  1. XoXoTiffanyXoXoful says:

    and she got kicked? out of tht hotel

  2. xoxoCookiesx3 says:

    Shes now just messed? up. Its over for her. :p

  3. nina1855n says:

    Tbh…..? I miss the old lindsay… Like when she was on Disney.

  4. woodduck55335 says:

    god….she’s? missed up!

  5. fajitaoshita says:

    Lindsay Lohan? is having a career comeback?

  6. pudgie508 says:

    U could see her? nipple

  7. Stephanie Logan says:

    Luv? the pics

  8. igotbieberfever233 says:

    she went way to far with those photos she looked like? a slut

  9. XFeZZerX says:

    nope,? she’s just awesome.

  10. IRC124 says:

    Tyler’s were more artsy and? well done than Terry’s, just a thought.

  11. TheLegoGirl96 says:

    nope, idk?

  12. jessiestar60 says:

    oh wow how childish r u taking the mick? cause of a miss type ur not perfect grow up or do u have 2 b put in a nappy lil boi oh wait r u going 2 nag at me 4 the way im typing is it not 2 ur standers grow up lik boi

  13. Emyll Somar says:

    Let’s all share our? “poings”!

  14. Emyll Somar says:

    WHY THE FUCK, would parents be allowing children? whom this material would be inappropriate to, look at it. Those parents should be the ones putting a real gun to their mouths and saving this world from their stupidity. Fucking idiots.

  15. boommonkey22 says:

    yes she can act i like her acting but she just? needs to think of how this is going to bring back her fame yean she has fame but she lost most of it a while ago she needs to stop and take time to breath and relax and then she snould be fine

  16. ANDREWLIVE1 says:

    i don’t know why do some people? make such a big deal for photos like this

  17. Emyll Somar says:

    You should learn to write proper English? before you hate on others.

  18. ANDREWLIVE1 says:

    damn right!?

  19. boommonkey22 says:

    i personally dont like it but thats my thought and i also thinj she needs to just stay out of the fame for about 3-4months just to get herself together that way she might at least get her? head scewed on right

  20. boommonkey22 says:

    i mean little kids might see it and think wow thats cool i want to do that they could be talking about the modeling or holding a gun i mean kids today arnte excatly wise?

  21. boommonkey22 says:

    now i know why people have said its art i can see their poing of view but if you look at it for? others its a bit morbid and not a good move to get back your fame

  22. Agustín Blasco says:

    Too far? Oh my god a cigarette!? Oh my god a gun! C’mon people… IS ART!! Is a photoshoot and taking risks is part of being and artist. Stop being such a pussies!

  23. Jay Money says:

    I agree, if it were anyone else, everyone would be praising it. I hate that when it’s a fat person, everyone says it’s beautiful, when they’re only saying that to be nice. For Lindsay it’s the opposite, they just want to be? mean.

  24. UnknownSoul1234 says:

    It’s? called art people learn it.

  25. Emyll Somar says:

    If some random unknown amateur ugly or fat chick does it, they call it ART, if LiLo does it everyone starts whining and bashing her…. STFU? and learn about art, there is nothing morbid about this. What is sickening, unfortunately, is that I have to share atoms with individuals who think these photos are distasteful.