Lindsay Lohan Poisoned! Along with 300 Million Other Americans

Alex Jones explains why Lindsay Lohan, and by extension millions of Americans are being poisoned with methamphetamine style drugs like Ritalin that cause brain shrinkage, heart problems and a myriad of other disorders. Alex also highlights how SSRI prozac drugs are turning people into psychopaths and leading to a massive increase in suicides and other reckless behavior. Young girls and even babies are now going into puberty as a result of milk laced with hormones, Bisphenol A and a toxic cocktail of other ingested substances. Alex also highlights the deadly threat of sodium fluoride and how it causes IQ reduction, bone cancer, and how vaccines are also contributing to a massive and sustained chemical attack on free humanity as the globalists’ eugenics agenda goes into high gear. The health of our country is in grave condition. We poison ourselves with the water and food contaminated by man-made toxins. Then we poison our minds and souls with untold number of prescription drugs. Now 5 of 6 new drugs on the market don’t even treat the conditions for which they are prescribed. We must wake up and take action. Our bodies and environments must be clean so human race can continue it’s global awakening to the New World Order. Read the ever expanding list of SSRI stories and do an image search for “DU babies” and see photos I could not bring myself to show you in this video.

25 thoughts on “Lindsay Lohan Poisoned! Along with 300 Million Other Americans

  1. BestFreeWow

    HERE IS HOW YOU CAN SPREAD THE TRUTH AND MAKE IT GO VIRAL . Use firefox browser, get the firefox “wise stamp” plugin to easily make an email signature so every time you send out an email, people will have a chance to see the video of your choosing (you can change them out as you see fit), insert via the html icon in wise stamp, ad an image linked to the video, webpage? of your choice.? Now send to all your email contacts and ask them to do the same. Ask Me For The Code I Use, Just Copy\Paste

  2. UDraftDogr4Q

    @celsorod Dude, it’s a hoax. I researched to find out who was linking themselves to the website. It turns out to be some Jackhead from Above Top Secret. How Friggin’ Lame! It’s people like that who don’t have anything better to do but to try to start hoaxes.

  3. xparta300

    you gotta love the retards who make several accounts just to put alex down hahaha you must feel really good eh?.. the funny thing is this are the same people who love to live in the matrix..and can’t help to know the true and so goes to every video and shows their ignorance lol just keep living in your truman show, when you wake up and everything has gone to the shitter i’ll be more than happy to pierce a pipe up your mouth.

  4. deltabro

    @PURPLEBUBBLE1000 post on his page on facebook! i see new posts there every other min. and havent seen any been taken down on his facE! im just sayin, comment his fan pics or sumthin. atleast send the song to me if u will and ill listen and share?!


    Has to be said Alex does censor his you-tubers.
    I have been trying to get this guy to play our Wake Up song.
    Even offered them cash for airplay and we get blanked.
    I cant even post it on his site any more. We were blocked just for posting a video as a resonance to his video. Every one else gets to post, but my Wake up song gets blocked. Any reason you blocked us Alex,

  6. UDraftDogr4Q

    InfoWars is just like all the other media, he censors his posts. lmao

    You are no different than the mainstream press. If it weren’t true, you wouldn’t have deleted my post from another account. lmao

  7. teeseme

    @hanseric245 Yes! I´ve thought about the referencing aswell. Looks unprofessional and certainly won´t help to convince anyone worth convincing… Now I appreciate most of Alex´s work, but that particular thing is really counterproductive.

  8. okcpunk080

    I love the culture jaming. Nice job. Im praying for you guys. Keep up the good work. This is coming from a long time listener… All of you have a great day.

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