Lindsay Lohan — Pisses Off Prosecutor … Greeting Fans Doesn’t Count As Community Service!!

Lindsay Lohan shook a bunch of fans’ hands after her play in London, and thinks that should count toward her 240 hours of community service — but prosecutors say NOT SO FAST, LiLo. Subscribe!…

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24 Responses

  1. Angryconsumernerd says:

    Lindsey should go blow a bunch of homeless guys ..that would count im sure

  2. westovermiller says:

    Put her in fucking jail already. If this was anyone else, they would of
    been violated years ago. She has left the country with out checking in
    with her PO, she has failed drug tests, and she hasn’t finished her
    community service. Any one of these things could put you in jail for a
    long time, yet the prosecutor is taking 2 weeks to figure it out! They
    might as well just make a special court for celebrities , because not even
    wealthy people get this kind of special treatment.?

  3. ouuuhhh says:

    Prosecutors suck?

  4. devious141 says:

    She didn’t get severely ill by the supposed “illness with no
    cure”??(according to TMZ)….no?, ok you can lock her ass up?

  5. choklit4u says:

    Put that privileged white bitch in jail bc I am tired of seeing white ppl
    get off easy or she just needs to overdose and die already?

  6. Billybiscuits13 says:

    I want to eat cake out of Ana’s butthole.?

  7. EvanSol919 says:

    She doesn’t have fans, she has spectators.?

  8. Kim Rose says:

    The Stars get away with everything.?

  9. SAM MASK says:

    Why do we give these idiot celebrities free passes?

  10. Bill inHumboldt says:

    throw her skank ass in jail…?

  11. Namens felder says:

    some illness…. yeah, exhaustion… when she’s slamming down 300 mg of
    adderall a day when the doc she sees is kind enough to give her 120 mg/day
    (which is almost impossible) she’s bound to get exhausted.?

  12. Bun... says:

    Lindsay Lohan and Tara Reid should do girl girl porn ?

  13. patricia mendes says:

    why she dont go to jail??? she turned herself in a miserable person,very

  14. malakaijub says:

    she could of had this done a looong time ago!!!, but she keeps bullshittin

  15. Chanel McGuire says:

    She is such a dumb bitch. Doing a meet and greet isn’t
    community service, it’s apart of her fucking job as an actress.?

  16. Joim Coffi says:

    Y’all should visit Curaçao, it’s a beautiful tropical island. ?

  17. A Potato says:

    I would buttfuck her in prison if I was guard there?

  18. Austin Wood says:

    She’s scum?

  19. Nik Saphirrez says:

    Fans? More like people who laugh at her.?

  20. Yoda Ydyxz says:

    spoiled stupid bitch.?

  21. Dabo Yu says:

    This guy is hot… call me lol?

  22. Ashley eilzabeth Marchand says:

    what much of lies ?

  23. HimmlerTelevision says:

    New video up, you ugly fucks.?

  24. iceplay18 says:

    i just wana lick ana? face?