Lindsay Lohan Parties with Miley Cyrus, RELAPSES? NEW PHOTOS!

Lindsay Lohan and Miley Cyrus PARTY ! Lindsay relapsed reportedly. DETAILS/PHOTOS. Watch Our Nina Dobrev Hair Tutorial: http://bi…

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25 Responses

  1. Ravi Walia says:

    Funny, there is no fucking video or? picture but some “random sources” hahaha

  2. KyleFinneyOfficial says:

    False… Lindsay is? allergic to vodka.

  3. Jesus Gamiz says:

    Leave her alone. She needs to fix her problems. Nobody realizes how hard it is to end an addiction?

  4. Icareg says:

    Happy hunger games!
    And? may the odds be ever in your favour

  5. jblover1238 says:

    Another Lindsey Logan coming our way. Poor child stars? turn into worthless trash.

  6. diaymariem says:

    noooooooooooooooooooo! not? lilo

  7. Anna Lisa says:

    Mileys is propably gonna end up like lindsay?

  8. Jacqueline Barker says:

    Who? cares what they do! As long there not hurting anyone.

  9. tennyprettygirl says:


  10. Meg says:

    I do believe this about Lindsay. It would not surprise me, she has relapsed so many times. It is definitely very sad though. I hope Miley does not follow in Lindsay’s footsteps. That would make a lot of people very sad and disappointed, Miley has so much? potential as Lindsay did at one point too. I sincerely hope Miley makes better choices. #Clevverettes

  11. Mags s says:

    Miley needs? to be emotionally attached to someone who’s gone through the issues associated with being a child star, someone like Lindsay who has crashed. Maybe caring for Lindsay and seeing her struggle with open Miley’s eyes to her own actions and where they might take her.

    As for Lindsay relapsing, I’d kinda like to know who her sponsor is and why they aren’t there helping her through her transition from rehab to normal life.

  12. Janni Trane says:

    I think that Miley and Lindsay could be great friends! But now might now? be the perfect time for them.

  13. MsYea98 says:

    thanks for keeping? the link

  14. Romney Ranjo says:

    Lindsay please! I don’t believe that you’re back to your old? ways so please prove them wrong!!

  15. Lexianna Skyler says:

    Lol Miley the slut is? the new Lindsey. She’s such a fucking attention whore.

  16. christine joy bustamante says:

    Lindsay? looks ill

  17. Anna Anderson says:

    I don’t doubt that Lindsey would relapse, it’s happened? before.

  18. Darkangel46mini says:

    Ahaahhaha its the begining of the end of the world?

  19. lovesickforjoejonas says:

    Hey #Clevverettes if u want the latest from Clevver News and other Clevver Channels, PLEASE follow me? on twitter @Clevver_Media20! Thanks #Clevverettes

  20. xoInTheMiddlexo says:


  21. Christian Rosales says:

    oprah? is gonna kick lindsays ass

  22. Rana Aldigi says:

    Well? all I want to say is miley good luck in rehab ! 🙁

  23. ryan wyatt says:

    Honestly im disappointed… I was really hoping for that comeback from lindsay. I personally? think they are both bad influences on eachother. Its just plain sad. 🙁 #CLEVERETTE

  24. ImMayrarose says:

    so sad :/? i had faith in lindsay :/ miley needs to give her space knowing she has been struggling with alcohol -_-

  25. Sharmila Rajendran says:

    Hanging out is? fine but forget about the alcohol