Lindsay Lohan Parties ‘Til 1 AM After Exhaustion Treatment

Just one day after being treated for exhaustion, the Liz and Dick star partied with pals til 1 in the morning!

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16 Responses

  1. MBeermanify says:

    lol don’t fucking rant at? me, you seriously look ridiculous and are verging on spam.

  2. Ellidegg says:

    All you need for exhaustion is a couple? bottles of smart water & a few extra hours of sleep – I’ve been there – she probably felt fine yo~ Plus if she was in the hospital the defi. put her on fluids & potassium drip – there’s no reason to believe she still felt unwell – she probably felt better than ever when she left – and 1 am? who the f*ck cares about 1 am some people don’t even get off work til after 1 am – how is that outrageous? ;p

  3. safarigurl150 says:

    U PPL ARE MISSING THE POINT OF THIS VIDEO! ITS NOT ABOUT 1 AM OR 5 AM…ITS ABOUT LEAVING A HOSPITAL TO GO PARTYING, here she is, her FIRST SERIOUS ROLE, seh looks like shes gotten her act together…and BAM once again shows how nonchalant she is about her health. this move is A HUGE RED FLAG. its people like you who dont speak out and condemn this type of behavior that makes Lohan think shes doing a good thing…and it? will get her KILLED one day.

  4. safarigurl150 says:

    R U KIDDING? UR NOT WORRIED ABOUT HER? she treats “exhaustion” by paryting? till 1 am! She should be a little slower to do that, especially since partying nearly ruined her career…the first thing she does after the hospital is not to go home and read lines, it sto party…NUFF SAID

  5. safarigurl150 says:

    I think most people seemed to have MISSED THE POINT of this video. its not about the 1am thingy, its about a girl who has been known for “exhaustion” due to partying, and here, she’s finally filming a serious movie and getting her act together, but betrays the fact that SHE HAS NOT CHANGED and is intent on jeopardizing her career and her health….who the hell parties after being hospitalized for exhaustion? esp after having so many problems with partying? THAT IS THE POINT OF THIS VIDEO? !!!!

  6. cloerockz says:

    why don’t they just leave her alone gosh! i love her she is amazing?

  7. cinderellatlh says:

    well, she needs to find the way to use her money after all. hey, she’s creating? jobs for lots of people (I’m sarcastic by the way)

  8. BonafideBxtchy says:

    Actually she? left pretty damn earlier.. 1 am is not late imo.

  9. heyjenknee says:

    I know she’s an? adult but where is her mom or someone with half a brain that cares? She was just treated for exhaustion. Apparently she needs to be babysat because she has no common sense.

  10. GirlNamedCezanne says:

    Gees 1am, bloody hell its nothing!!!. Where I come from the clubs don’t open till 11pm and people don’t get there till 1am.. So for me its like she did even go clubbing… ARE U? THAT DESPERATE FOR SOME LOHAN NEWS COMMON GIVE THE POOR GIRL A BREAK!!!

  11. MBeermanify says:

    1am…? that’s like..? not even late -.-

  12. chitownreak says:

    why does hollywood indulge her by giving her work she’s obviously ungratefull,and i personally will never watch anything she’s in ,i mean they have emma stone out there? to replace her there’s no need for a lindsay lohan

  13. xxxWarriorGoddessxxx says:

    She needs to slow? it down before she ends up like Whitney.

  14. beautifulkat1 says:

    who cares, leave her alone….?

  15. AbeVonThrash says:

    @mcflyrckmyscks I don’t think she’s seeking attention… She’s just living her life. It’s people like celeb tv and other sites covering way too much Lindsay news that it seems like she’s in dyer need of attention.? Hope someone helps her.. Can’t help it think she might be the next to go :/

  16. Mcflyrckmyscks says:

    Now I think that shes either ridiculously stupid or just another attention seeking? whore. =/