Lindsay Lohan Parties in New York With … Fish Fetuses

Lindsay goes out to a caviar bar and as any Russian’ll tell ya, nothing goes better with caviar than vodka! So did Lindsay partake?

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24 Responses

  1. TruBeauty15 says:

    wow they have no faith in her.?

  2. Efrain Garcia says:

    i hate that bitch!!?

  3. Nia says:

    Her nose is fuuuked up ?

  4. frii san says:

    its amazing how the TMZ employees think they are funny but they are not,
    air heads only entertaining each other not us with their jokes. just report
    the facts stupid!?

  5. Carol Hernandez says:

    She’s so pretty?

  6. henrique sena says:

    first coment?

  7. bigcomcast says:

    What happened to the long haired blonde kid? Did he fail a drug test??

  8. OmegaAK47 says:


  9. JFAINTER88 says:


  10. Stefan Gajic says:

    “pravda” actually means justice?

  11. NonnyGoop says:

    hahha omg 1:26 I thought the video was buffering…?

  12. Alicia Lestini says:

    Love her forever?

  13. Gerudo says:

    that girl that asks “you know what pravda means” is really beautiful?

  14. Jennifer Reid says:

    Don’t see how anybody can eat that mess?

  15. nafisa ahmed says:


  16. Maja Maras says:

    “Pravda” is justice not truth…?

  17. Adarsh Roy says:


  18. rocky joon says:

    Shes like a zombie. Dead but walking around smiling creepy?

  19. Zaid Modir says:

    She looks kind good and better , hope she improved her health state?

  20. MrUnknownYeah says:

    she is such a train wreck she should go back to rehab and never let out?

  21. tabbyluvyou says:

    This bitch stays partying why she still Famous she spending her celeb money
    partying doing drugs FUCKING BITCH some policy who are famous and do this
    should leave fame they dont deserve it us poor people pouring money on them
    and they spend it on this?

  22. FaTe_ says:

    Fuck yoi?

  23. Marcio Zygmunt says:

    and…alive! lmfao?

  24. Kate G says:
