Lindsay Lohan – Over (Live @ Good Morning America)

I woke up to the sound of a goddess singing in my room that morning 😀

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20 Responses

  1. aznbbi says:

    she sounds really good singing live and normally quite a few artists can sing live and suprisingly she is good
    i love this song
    Go Lindsay!!!

  2. hebdif says:

    she is the best!! LINDSAY YOU ARE AMAZING!

  3. gogoutube says:

    why are there so many old ladies in the audience? LOL!

  4. alicehonglily says:

    Seh actually is singing live,there is just another voice in the background to support her,shes really a great singer

  5. lissahiker32 says:

    i like her lil dance move at 3:to 3:02 lol its cool

  6. chillout890 says:

    she is pretty good. i think she has a bit of a raspy voice. probably because she smokes.

  7. crzyply3r says:

    is the drums dude the same from “the big bang theory”? lol

  8. ihcchibm says:

    but she’s pretty good on this performance

  9. CharmsMaster says:

    i like her songs even though she’s not good “live”

  10. WladyGOT says:

    OMG!! I love this song!! and i need her new 3th disc

  11. hollseey says:

    shes really cool 🙂 i wish her the best

  12. LindsLoFan says:

    Why is it people like you always feel the need to say that?

    we know she isn’t singing live.

  13. chofy90 says:

    she’s not really singing it live

  14. padhyar says:

    my favourate song

  15. supermonkey58401 says:

    i love her singing! her voice is awesome!this is my favorite song on this album!

  16. Caarrooline says:


  17. mallischemo says:

    i love how she feels the song.. that makes it a good performance.. 😉

  18. popstarsunited says:

    she sang great.

  19. xoBlondeBeautyxo says:

    I heart her : )

  20. mizzstini says:

    lindsay is awesome

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