Lindsay Lohan – Over (Full Phat Edit)(DJ Xarko Remix Video)

A remix video done by me, DJ Xarko. Enjoy!

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25 Responses

  1. RuuBjAh1 says:

    the remix was from full phatt you know, this is an official remix, though the video is really great, my compliments do you have!!

  2. axiytuns says:

    wow nice remix man

  3. kkllmm31 says:

    Awesome!!!! I Love Video

  4. falkopingbjurum says:

    I love this remix..makes u happy! 🙂

  5. lalined18 says:

    I like it

  6. XllioallX says:

    cool that would be cool if lindsay lohan made this

  7. Orestiss7 says:

    omg!i love this song veryy much! <3

  8. metalheadchic2008 says:

    The original is better!
    I hope that Dave Aude can do better than this remix!
    His remix’s are the best!

  9. marbelousnaive says:

    Great! I agree, better than the original, can I get the mp3 too? please!

  10. betenoireXX says:

    It’s sorta ok.

  11. xXBiinkyXx says:

    i love Lindsay lohan (:

  12. gard71 says:

    Great original song. This is the lamest remix!

  13. loesjevh says:

    It’s Awesome!!! Were can i get this song???

  14. creatingripples says:

    Dang! i dont actually like this song, but i LOVE your version. she should’ve had u do her music, you are so talented!

  15. TinkerMelody says:

    I HATE the original. I like yours! I would buy it!

  16. marci600 says:

    its so gooooooooooooood!!!!!!!!

  17. tiger1325 says:

    i like 😀 lindsay u rock ;]

  18. helene11 says:

    wow jaime cette chanson avec le remix je la veux (la chanson)

  19. naprednazad says:

    it’s good but the other one is better

  20. XllioallX says:

    nice remix

  21. bollarona says:


  22. WishinOnALottoTicket says:

    yeah well they can’t stay teenagers forever.

  23. babytannia says:


  24. Frdy0 says:

    WOW realy good remix.

  25. LBird44 says:

    this remix is AMAZING!
    can u send me the mp3 file plz?

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