Lindsay Lohan out of jail, heads to rehab (?????????????) LiLo was once a promising Hollywood starlet, but a series of drunk-driving arrests, drug charges and court troubles have wrecked her career. A judged sentenced her to 90 days in jail for probation violations. Her father, Michael Lohan, immediately sought help from other celebrities who had also done time in prison. Michael attempted to cheer Lindsay up with a song. He’s also facing potential prison time because ex-fiancee Kate Major is accusing him of assault. Lohan’s sentence was cut short to just 13 days. She will now spend 90 days in rehabilitation. This animation tells it all. More at http ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????90???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????13?????????90???????????

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25 Responses

  1. ColorzBox says:

    So true it ain’t even funny

  2. dogchansey says:


    yes because everuone knows automatically the difference between japanese and chinese… *eye roll* grow a brain

  3. ExtensiveAmusement says:


  4. westcoastzilla says:

    lol CNN should do this too hahahah

  5. dutchii says:

    @DarkAntiU94 You make japanese look bad.

  6. JackFlanders says:

    This is pure gold people, pure gold.

  7. DarkAntiU94 says:

    You sound like a great prick of an individuals!

  8. Josh7289 says:

    @DarkAntiU94 Great job representing your people there. Classy.

    Though you sound far more American than Japanese.

  9. kenonifty says:

    @impagain lol!!!

  10. xXJessicaZhaoXx says:

    mandarin chinese, people

  11. DarkAntiU94 says:

    HEY FUCK YOU! Im half Japanese this is fucking Chinese u can fucking tell by a lack of a second alphabet u fucking asshole.
    GO wuck a duck u wucker McFucker!
    Think before you click “Post”. Now go fuck your mother!

  12. puskaface says:

    @DarkAntiU94 Do I speak Chinese or Japanese or Korean or whatever it is? Think before you click “Post”.

  13. DarkAntiU94 says:

    theres fucking subtitles u utter sucker mucker of a fuck

  14. xxxWarriorGoddessxxx says:

    LOLZ @)0:59, she had it coming!

  15. 327yellow says:


  16. beastie20 says:

    Best part was Michael Lohan smacking that woman with the shoe

  17. shortdog619 says:

    That pretty much sums it up!

  18. smile300 says:

    U guys are the best :D:D

  19. socialjeebus says:

    It’s Taiwanese!

  20. MrBaskins2010 says:

    she killed HERBIE!

  21. AlphaQSilly says:

    @GlambertZombie Accidentally left out the word molested.

  22. SLjimbolian says:

    That’s some compelling dramatization right there!!!

  23. GlambertZombie says:

    @AlphaQSilly “Was she actually by lesbians?”

    What the hell are you asking people to confirm? It’s not at all a coherent question.

  24. helloimtom100 says:

    thank you japan!

  25. NiyoRiyo says:

    Did they already show this in Adult Swim? I’ve seen similar animations like this in the commercials before Fullmetal Alchemist in Adult Swim (`u`)

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