12 thoughts on “Lindsay Lohan opens up shocking interview about her issues

  1. louiseperrello

    listen lindsay u are a pretty girl dont let noone put u down.what ever u do dont ever get weak move on and and show them what u got girl lol i been there and im stronger than ever [wink]

  2. mykillereyes

    OMG that was just like what happnd 2 me…

    i have asthma too…

    and i always like 2 party and when io get at home they always say BLA BLA don’t drink (i still do)

  3. julivuela

    wtf xD

    I am from germany and I have asthma too^^
    it would be better near the north sea or something yeah..

    but I think she should move to germany that would be so cool 😀 haha I would vistit her xD

    I love Lindsay no matter what she does.

  4. mrshivago

    no wonder she has asthma.
    the air in los angeles is so polluted, that when you drive with your car (european one, not an american) the air that comes from the engine is less polluted than the air that goes in the engine.
    just move to another state or country.
    i’ve heard germany would be good place for asthmatics.

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