24 thoughts on “Lindsay Lohan on the Late Show with David Letterman (2013) (Full Interview HD)

  1. Elin H

    I wish her all the best. She’s strong and will make it through it. But I do wish? she would punch Dave in the face or that I was there and could do it for her.

  2. ChrisPwnzNubz

    Did she have surgery? Her cheeks seem off. The question at 4:36 and onwards was uncalled for. It’s not funny to purposely bash? someone dealing with those problems on national TV. 😐

  3. isthisafreakinjoke

    This is horrible, she looked close to tears almost the entire time, and he wouldn’t let her talk, just interrupted her… I felt so? bad for her, with him making jokes the entire time, about something you shouldn’t joke about!

  4. cami denham

    she got a little snapy with him,? its ok i would have to he was being so rude about it and bringing up things that she odviously didnt want to talk about

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