Lindsay Lohan On the Edge of Incredible — She CRUSHES Stevie Nicks Live

It’s the first glimmer of pre-meltdown Lindsay Lohan we’ve seen in a long time — she took the stage last night at some financier’s NYC birthday to perform a…

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25 Responses

  1. vagas99 says:

    I’m team Lindsay all the way!!! can’t help but like the girl.?


    lilo and stitch?

  3. Giovanny Arroyo says:

    she has a music career??

  4. twardy11 says:

    you mean murdered it, right? she can’t sing for shit you morons!?

  5. marco39120 says:

    I wish she would return to her “roots” and go red head again. Loved that

  6. Jacqueline Potter says:

    Crushes Stevie Nicks? What…never will happen..Stevie is a woman of great
    depth…and soul… Cannot even compare them.?

  7. Hamada Ali says:

    Hhhhh I didn’t know she had an album ?

  8. Vents R says:

    She doesn’t sound good!!!!!?

  9. ELTRC says:

    Now whenever I see Stevie Nicks, all I can think about is American Horror
    Story :’)?

  10. Jaime Madera says:

    LILOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! Theres just something about that beeetch, you gotta
    love her?

  11. DIVADNOMIS1313 says:

    She was good, but she didn’t crush stevie. She is still WAY better

  12. KushiBoiii says:

    That is one tight shirt?

  13. CrayCraySteve says:

    she actually has an amazing voice?

  14. Rufus Clark says:


  15. Hector Cuprill, Jr. says:

    Kristen Stewart should play Stevie. ?

  16. Kitty Vegas says:

    that shirt is too tight bro?

  17. alnbaba says:

    Li Lo looks great and sounds great, I hope that she keeps it together. ?

  18. MoeMoneyrunstheWORLD says:

    Why is every guy on tmz a huge faggot or pussy?

  19. Vil Tro says:

    Why is she still relevant? ?

  20. Fatty Moto says:

    She was so FUCKEN HOT before she did drugs. Now she is……?

  21. The Camera Guy says:

    You wanna do drugs, hit people, swear at them and never go to jail? and
    still be loved and respected you?
    Be an Actor/Actress and/or singer :)?

  22. Waxi Waxington says:

    This foos shirts are getin tighter n tighter wtf ?

  23. donna fisher says:

    She’d probably play Stevie great…?

  24. xTryIer says:

    3rd Lindsay Lohan is HOT?

  25. Sheldon says:
