Lindsay Lohan On ‘Good Morning America’: Liz Taylor & Past Troubles

Lindsay Lohan stopped by “Good Morning America” to discuss her role as Elizabeth Taylor in the new Lifetime movie “Liz & Dick,” and it was awkward, to say th…

25 thoughts on “Lindsay Lohan On ‘Good Morning America’: Liz Taylor & Past Troubles

  1. Mickey B

    i wish this movie would have been her comeback. i just want her to be back.
    but i’ve lost all faith that it will happen. and i want her to just be off
    limits to the paparazzi. they’ve gotten enough out of her, right? i’m sick
    of that scum thinking we want 24 hour access to this girl’s life. enough
    already. whatever

  2. kirgeek

    You’re right, she never took time to discover what it was she wanted and
    who it was she wanted to be. she just went from day to day and didn’t look
    ahead. it’s sad though 🙁

  3. Kathryn Levine

    She is not in a great place, she thinks she is in a great place because she
    is probably happier than she ever was. But her parents failed her and made
    her into an insecure drug addict. Lindsay Lohan is NOT a ‘cunt’ and
    ‘pathetic’. She is a woman who has been failed by all the people close to
    her, she is so far from grounded and needs someone to talk to. Professional

  4. kirgeek

    she seems really small and sad, like she’s lost a lot of herself. what she
    says at 1:40 is particularly sad. “just keep me on set. It’s safer that
    way.” she’s not better yet and she’s trying to distract herself from her
    problems. she needs to get proper help and stick to it. go Linz!

  5. Megan T

    looks like someone should stop getting botox especially around the eye,
    looks like she had something done to her cheeks, and lips for sure. she
    looked fine before, she looks awful!

  6. joanofarc33

    I don’t think she lost herself, it seems to me she never had a “self” at
    all if that makes any sense. Its like she never really grew into herself
    and it shows all over her.

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