Lindsay Lohan on Ellen (April 23, 2009) – Pics from the taping (April 22, 2009)

The Ellen DeGeneres Show (2009-04-23) Lindsay Lohan’s appearance on TEDS! Lindsay Lohan on Ellen (April 23,2009) Pics from the taping (April 22,2009) Credit for the webcam screen caps goes to James & Audio tracks used in this video: Intro: Ellen’s Theme song from TEDS Season 1 Main song: Lindsay Lohan “Bossy” … uploading my 100th vid on this channel and just wanted to make it a bit ‘special’ 😉 Enjoy 🙂

25 thoughts on “Lindsay Lohan on Ellen (April 23, 2009) – Pics from the taping (April 22, 2009)

  1. riwired

    Samantha Ronson has helped Lindsay thru a lot of things, and she’s grown alot. It’s hard for child stars to transition into adutlhood sometimes. Hollywood does that to a person. Lindsay Lohan is a good person and she will be doing interesting projects in the future. I’m sure she and Samantha will remain friends once the heartache is over. Stop hating on Lindsay or Samantha!

  2. bituminous

    I love how she says “i was 19 when everything happened” as if that was *so* long ago lol. i do hope things work out for her though. she seems like a good person at heart. 🙂

  3. LeoMikey80

    She seems happy and well adjusted considering that she lives in a 3-ring circus. She’s only 22 so i hope things work out. She needs to put on weight, she could have an eating disorder. People on tv look heavier than they really are, so in person she must be a twig. She also has asthma, and she smokes! Not a smart move. She is capable of having a lifelong career as a great actress, she has “it”. But she is also capable of ending up like River Pheonix.

  4. nellypts

    gosh. im sorry for her. i know how tough it is to break up some long-date relationship, but we have to be strong and avoid messing around with other new affairs that soon. poor gal she is. love her even though.

  5. doctorariel

    Am I imagining this, or is no one getting that Lindsay’s interview was nearly incomprehensible? She didn’t seem to be present at all…anyone? Thanks for the vid. It says it all. Really well done.

  6. DustLightShine

    Lindsay is great. She’s young, beautiful a talented actress and singer. It seems she just got caught up with a piece of shit who brought her down, we have all made those mistakes.

  7. SaraPlusBella

    Lindsay is lucky she was on tabloids & has gotten the negative energy she has because without it she would probably be viewed similarly to hillary duff and otherwise forgotten about. I believe her upcoming movies will have much more pull now…

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