Lindsay Lohan on David Letterman – April 9, 2013

The Late Show Lindsay Lohan on David Letterman – April 9, 2013 Full episode Lindsay Lohan.

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25 Responses

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  2. rozz2656 says:

    ? drugpolicyorg/drug-facts/10-facts-about-marijuana

  3. rozz2656 says:

    I NEVER said illegal drugs are? bad, I have also saw that British thing, its 2011 or 2006 study. Maybe check out btw definition of druggie is “drug ADDICT” i’m not addicted, If tobacco is so bad then I should smoke a pack a day right? better than weed. HAHAHA thought you were a troll but you sited ONE source so wow. but yes im foul mouthed because it was supposed to be an intelligent debate till you started saying, stupid, loser and all that. You know you can eat it

  4. wintercat2 says:

    Re: rozzdruggie2656


    Is smoking cannabis? bad for you? Yes, says the British Lung Foundation

  5. Nate Coates says:

    Jaha ” weed is 20 x more harmful than tobacco” THATS WHY HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS DIE EACH YEAR DUE TO TOBACCO and deaths? due to marijuana is ZERO EVERY YEAR. Theres more deaths by peanuts than weed. So go fucking smoke as many cigs as u can. Please. Because its so much fucking healthier you fucking retard.

  6. Nate Coates says:

    wintercat2 …kill youself now cunt.?

  7. wintercat2 says:

    You say… “You’ve educated yourself for 4 years just on weed.”
    Like I’ve said many times before, typical druggie way of thinking. You all think all illrgal drugs including marijuana is good for you. You haven’t researched a bloody thing, or you wouldn’t have said something as stupid as weed isn’t bad for you, when? it’s in fact 20 times worse than tobacco to the brain. Proof also that you’ve never talked to any neurologist regarding marijuana. You stupid foul mouthed liar.
    How I hate druggies.

  8. rozz2656 says:

    working out alters your mind, that’s weed. SITE YOUR FUCKING SOURCES!! How am I ignorant? you’re the one denying it, you’re saying it’s bad you claim I stay in my moms basement haha like I would even want to stay with my parents? you don’t say stupid then follow up with foul mouth that’s contradicting. you can say its not foul but others do. You call yourself a scientist but you just repeat the same thing over and refuse to look it up. I’ve educated myself for 4 years? just on weed.

  9. RandomUsername010 says:

    Yeah, he’s definitely a troll. All the name calling, the pointless attacks, either a kid? or some bored dude with nothing better to do than try to get a rise out of people. I usually just play around with guys like him, throw a few insults before I get bored with them.

  10. wintercat2 says:

    Like I said before, if you do any illegal drug, whether all the time or once a month, is a druggie. Of course you druggies always deny that, same with you druggies always tend to convince yourselves that drugs of any kink including weed aren’t bad for you. Why? Because that’s the? typical druggie way of thinking. Your system was never meant to get high. Educate yourself on drugs idiot. So get out of your Mom’s basement bedroom and just say no to drugs, you stupid foul mouthed loser.

  11. wintercat2 says:

    Marijuana is a plant that is consumed in it’s natural state. Therefore it’s not a drug.

    Typical druggie way of thinking.? Never fails

  12. rozz2656 says:

    I know im a hypocrite since im also cussing but you’re right he’s either a troll(channel has nothing on it but a cat) or a kid who WANTS to be a “meteorologist” seriously whens the last time you heard a scientist speak like that. If? I was a scientist or whatever I would use large terms just to make them be like “wtf” but obviously not. Funny because my first comment was all nice but idk if this guy is serious

  13. TheTestingGrounds says:

    marijuana is a plant that is consumed in? it’s natural state. Therefore it’s not a drug.
    By the way, your name calling does not reenforce your argument.

  14. rozz2656 says:

    Your channel needs vids to prove you’re not a troll but you are or you’re a? kid. I have talked to many CEO’s, Scientists all know weed is safer than alcohol and all drink wine in moderation and stuff. NONE of them go around calling people losers and morons. You need to grow up I have a life. Research your stuff before you start blabbing. Now I KNOW i’m more intelligent than you and im 18. I can go into any college in state I want and few others in the US or EU. You’re probably just a troll.

  15. TheTestingGrounds says:

    you could fit 2 1/2 of her in that chair. Gov.? Chris Christie could barely fit in that chair.

  16. rozz2656 says:

    WTF? video games? I? don’t play video games? im not a druggie because DRUGGIES, do drugs every day and ONLY do that. I don’t. im going to college and going to own a business. I could probably become more successful than you. and yes Steve jobs was more successful than you, same with Thomas Jefferson. You think they give a shit if you chase storms? no. hahaha you’re so contradicting and hypocritical. Funny how a scientist is insulting someone right? I don’t fucking stay in basements

  17. shutdafup says:

    Letterman’s been a jerk since he moved to? CBS

  18. Richard Harris says:

    I? like her. She’s addorable.

  19. Chelsea Woolsey says:

    Bad plastic surgery on? those lips. O_o

  20. wintercat2 says:

    Maybe more successful than you, but not me. Since when does my channel need to have videos for me to be somebody moron? At least my channel isn’t full of stupid video games like? yours. You no doubt spend your days and nights in your mom’s basement bedroom playing dumb video games. Grow up and get a life. Loser

  21. wintercat2 says:

    You’re not a druggie huh? What is marijuana? You stupid? dumbass.

  22. wintercat2 says:

    If you think idiot moron and loser is a cuss word? NOT. If you ever do get out of your mom’s basement bedroom and get a good high paying job like myself, you’ll? no doubt spend all your money on drugs. You stupid foul mouthed idiot.

  23. wintercat2 says:

    Well, one things for sure, you can’t be 12 yet since all 12 year olds know how and when to use simple? grade 3 words like your and you’re (you are) Idiot.

  24. RandomUsername010 says:

    I’m sorry if it may seem a bit difficult to believe you have a high paying job when your penchant for name calling indicates? the maturity level of either a 12 year old or someone with the emotional development of one.

  25. rozz2656 says:

    By your channel i can see you’re probably a troll. No info. No vids. No activity. Nothing but your comments are soo hypocritical and false it amazes me really. Btw did i tell you i only smoke about once a month or even less? Again i will say steve jobs, joe rogan, michael phelps, cheech marin and tommy chong, colbert, obama, bush, clinton, thomas jefferson all have done weed. But actually? steve jobs did LSD. They’re more succesful than you and I will ever be.