Lindsay Lohan Officially Sues GTAV Creators – For Reals

Lindsay Lohan to Sue Take-Two Interactive for “Using Her Likeness” in Grand Theft Auto V:…

25 thoughts on “Lindsay Lohan Officially Sues GTAV Creators – For Reals

  1. 101stsurvivor

    Celebrities need to protect their image, i get that. But she really has no
    proper grounds for a case here, it’s going to end up being a total waste of
    money. ?

  2. AmericaWillConquerAll101

    That crazy bitch she probably has no clue what a video game is and who the
    hell brought that character to her attention in the first place? Cause I
    know she ain’t smart enough to find that kinda shit out on her own, I hope
    GTA V releases a Miley Cyrus “look alike” too, I would lol so hard at that,
    Maybe an idea for the developers when they come out with the next GTA??

  3. Bonnie Dunmire

    it’s about 3am. I watched this all serious through the whole thing…
    almost. then when I heard “mudblood. or shitblood.” I just laughed so hard,
    for so long. I am now in the aftermath of that, wiping the tears away, my
    jaw/face and stomach aching. I am confused by my own extreme reaction.

    I think I should consider sleep. /maybe/. I dunno.?

  4. 0_o Xearrik Game Channel

    Why do you do this to me Mike? I guess i have to turn this kiss into a gif
    as well.

    Not that I had any respect for her to begin with, but some how she lost
    more. You’re in the negative Ms Lohan. Shape it up!?

  5. Mo on_

    Well the bitch isnt the only blonde one on earth theres a 9% chance theres
    someone exactly like you in the world maybe its someone else shut the fuck
    up bitch?

  6. Sovereign Ateo

    Retarded. “Any similarity between persons real or imaginary is purely
    coincidental.” I am quite sure it says that somewhere in a loading screen
    on GTAV, just as it does on basically every game. Snow White Lohan has
    nothing here.?

  7. blendergaming

    Only in america (and yes I am american) do people think suing solves
    everything. Now I am off the rant and back to the topic at hand, just no
    Lindsay. Let’s assume they did base the character off of Lindsay Lohan, it
    would be the equivalent of someone suing south park for the way they were
    portrayed. Also she has to prove it and it would also be like someone suing
    law and order because the case resembled what happened to them. You can’t
    sue someone for basing something off you. ?

  8. Jpthebomb

    Media: Hmm, white, blonde, wanting some assistance… MUST be some
    stereotypical thing, based on real people, and kids will also be violent
    because of it.?

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