Lindsay Lohan offered Charles Manson role

LiLo’s reportedly been offered the part of a murder victim in an upcoming Charles Manson biopic. Follow us on twitter at

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3 Responses

  1. mrteemumilto says:

    The charges in each multiple cases are so small, that any other person, out of publicity and earlier judgments, would just receive reprimands from the people around them. So was the very first charge.

  2. mrteemumilto says:

    The law suits against Lohan are unreasonable.

    They are used to milk her.

    The justice system works as to let bullies milk their victims through the context of past crimes. Once the ball gets rolling, it seems that the lawsuits are needed just because she was sued earlier – she must be a problem case. In reality this upper class socielite is more than equipped at handling her issues by talk and individual discression. It just proves the justice system is socially corrupt.

  3. yyttroll says:


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