Lindsay Lohan – My Innocence (Lyrics Video)

This is lyrics video of Lindsay Lohan – My Innocence from “A Liitle More Personal (RAW)”

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25 Responses

  1. Manuel Medina says:

    I relate to Lindsay her dad was never there for her. She is really hurt by
    her parents I can tell by the songs she writes. People just don’t realize
    just cause you are a kid you don’t understand. when your own family treats
    you like an object it always reflects on the pain of sons and daughters and
    actions of destruction.?

  2. valentinbeholder says:

    you’re a liar

  3. bl4ckmt4l says:

    I was 14.

  4. coconut360 says:

    i was 11 when this CD came out, good times <3

  5. vocaltalent1 says:

    Is this a single??? I hate that ppl hate this girl. She is a true amazing
    actress and and this song is totally awesome. And she is so hot. Her
    mistakes are HER mistakes and no one elses. Listen to this song and if u
    dont like it, leave. Please. Thanks.

  6. Femmenistas says:

    what font did you use for the text: My Innocence Lindsay Lohan? I love it 🙂

  7. MimiWiny says:

    it’s good 🙂 ?

  8. ElectricMGT says:

    @2kewl2luv “Confessions of a Broken Heart” and “My Innocence” are for sure
    about her father. I’m pretty sure “I Live for the Day” is too.

  9. MaureenFelipian says:

    i love this!!!!

  10. Oumou Ba says:

    im not saying but having sex is not having fun

  11. vocaltalent1 says:

    Two things any smart person needs to understand (if they want to be wise
    and respectful). 1) Every one is Human first and foremost, and physically,
    we dont know how her (or anyones) body reacts to stress, depression,
    anxiety, etc., nd its folly to assume blam them for not fitting OUR selfish
    agendas. 2) No One, NO ONE, has a window 2 anyones consciousness. Skinny,
    slender/athletic, overweight, chubby, fat, obese, it is not for us to judge
    HOW some one SHOULD be. Unless some R naturally spiteful.

  12. Katerina Kalogerakis says:

    Don’t even care, I still like Lindsay.

  13. Charlie Brown says:

    Awesome Lyrics This song is amazing!

  14. Twisted_Angel says:

    a bunch of my friends say i look like her lol

  15. Cyntia Veronica says:

    saudades desse tempo!

  16. Lohan Fan says:

    you know nothing about her so get the fuck out of here!

  17. 2kewl2luv says:

    is this one about her dad too?

  18. HeleDinz says:

    iit’s funny because first you say you don’t know who she is and then you
    start making up things about her. i suggest you don’t judge a book by its
    cover, man. and this is just a picture of a fucking CD, not a porno, ok?
    get a life! it’s no one’s problem you’re still a virgin because your
    religion doesn’t allow you to fuck and have fun

  19. xndriu says:


  20. Bh Lilo says:

    I still love lindsay and i think that she will do a BIG COMEBACK

  21. JoBrosLover1001 says:

    this is for her father like confessions of a broken heart

  22. Super120696 says:

    Shut the fuck up man, If you don’t know who she is or what she has done
    then stop fucking judging. She is an incredibly talented singer and actor,
    and she models because she wants to not because she needs to

  23. Lohan Fan says:

    Hollywood took away her Innocence but best of her stayed 🙂 ?

  24. prettybashful773 says:


  25. Phoebe Mackenzie says:

    well said! high five to you girl! 😀