25 thoughts on “Lindsay Lohan “Move Back and Calm Down!”

  1. myroncope

    1. Everyone asked her to become famous? ok. The entire world went to Lindsey Lohan before she was famous and said, “Hey Lindsey Lohan, please become famous”. ok

    2. Famous people not only DECIDE to become that way, but work their asses off at it. They hire agents and publicists who get them in movies and get magazines to do articles on them and get them on late night TV where millions of people will see them, and so they’ll be able to do even better movies where even more people will see

  2. thecityexists

    you’re an asshole and I think you’re stupid.

    1. EVERYONE “asked that spoiled cunt to become famous.” I don’t know what you’re smoking, but she certainly didn’t just DECIDE to become famous, specifically to annoy you.

    2. If I had wrote “I’d rather be homeless than live under so much scrutiny” without adding that I’ve been homeless myself, you would be saying WTF YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT IT’S LIKE TO BE HOMELESS, STFU.

    Basically you’re just trying to start a fight =/

  3. Wispa112

    Ah lads will ye just leave her alone god shes only human…….i wud kill them shitheads i would be drunk and stoned the whole time if i had to put up with that.thank god im not famous

  4. Spongebob2kaii9

    i feell sorry for the flower =( it didnt do anything wrong and i got run over. nd yea its abit over the top of paps but i laughed when i saw a circle round herr lol even tho i like her it was just funny

  5. Uphadis

    I’ve got a question…. I never see the paps treat someone like Natalie Portman this way. Does Lindsay ask for it? Couldn’t she do something about it? I mean, one guy almost hit her in the face with his camera! That’s just effed up.

  6. TheSucafe

    duh!, the more attention that person gets the better, so she can score more HIGH paying jobs, then we all watch her movies, and so she can buy herself a ferrari….

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