Lindsay Lohan Monologue: Stage Arrest – Saturday Night Live

Subscribe to SaturdayNightLive: Monologues: SEASON 37: Surprise Guests: It’s been six years since Lindsay Lohan…

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23 Responses

  1. CharmedTrailers says:

    if she didn’t begin with drugs, she may have been in so many great movies;
    she could of been in stuff like American Hustle, she could have had Emma
    Stones part in The Help ?

  2. DerpyRainbowPanda says:


  3. Furrylittleproblem12 says:

    Good for Lindsey. She was such a good sport.?

  4. Meriç Ak?n says:


    omg thats not the skit’s point?

  5. Bon Kai says:

    Is that *Lindsay Lohan*? Her face, my god?

  6. Dani Muñoz says:

    Lindsay Lindsay Lindsay youre so talented why you have a crazy attitude
    you might be in the place of jeniffer lawrence or Emma Stone in this

  7. fla la says:

    I really really hope she’s on a Good path now with no turning back?

  8. Leonardo Costa says:

    beatiful outfit?

  9. liaekallel delosreyes says:

    but she is still a good actress and singer too?

  10. lamar lecky says:

    This wasn’t funny. At all. Shit acting ?

  11. liaekallel delosreyes says:

    but her voice is like a teenager?

  12. Joseph Matebane says:

    Lindsay should so cut that hair?

  13. Mae Apostadero says:

    I love her shoes.?

  14. liaekallel delosreyes says:

    she’s look like an old woman now?

  15. Micha? Ptak says:

    1:52 Hahaha. Actualy I think that will be my reaction too.?

  16. habb0 says:

    her tits change size and shape more then a blow up doll ?

  17. Smiler Milton says:

    haha. I’m a lesbian now! haha. That was so funny?

  18. Dan wiz says:

    LAWL !!!?

  19. smoovboov says:

    goes to show dosnt matter how many drugs u do, u can still get work in
    america. as the saying goes “only in america”?

  20. chikitabowow says:

    Holy shit, how much botox has she injected? She doesn’t even have facial
    expressions anymore. ?

  21. alonso smith says:

    i loved his old face now she looks like the hole of lady gaga?

  22. JamesMitchellTV says:

    SNL YouTube Channel: Smartest thing ever done.

  23. saul arredondo zavala says:
