Lindsay Lohan May Go Back To Jail

Lindsay Lohan failed to report to a rehab facility approved by the court and now she may have to go back to jail. She previously violated her shoplifting pro…

11 thoughts on “Lindsay Lohan May Go Back To Jail

  1. TheInternet007

    Once you become a celebrity,your private life becomes public life….u get the fame coz of ppublic…so u got to start living for the public……..celebrities? should stop complaint about privacy

  2. Chronicator10101

    God it must suck to have no privacy. Even being rich does not justify putting up with the annoying cunts reporting on every thing they can? about you.

  3. lambsquad17

    Please don’t mention Lindsay Lohan and Emma Stone in the same sentence, out of respect for the latter of course. Lohan’s attitude and character is beyond repair and miles away from Emma Stone. Knock on wood Emma doesn’t allow Hollywood, Media and fame change who she? truly is as a human being.

  4. ENTV

    There’s a lot? of people that feel like Emma Stone is who Lindsay Lohan would have become sans the meltdowns/drug abuse/alcoholism/arrests.

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