Lindsay Lohan Makes Animal Noises At Cecconni’s

Lindsay Lohan Makes Animal Noises At Cecconni’s in West Hollywood. 05 05 09 — Follow us on TWITTER at

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25 Responses

  1. kathy025 says:

    I always found it cool when celebs wear those motobike gloves of some sort. 8)

  2. SupHobagg says:

    jaja. she has 1 glove on her hand and a hat. she’s clearly up to some evil magix

  3. misszmarsden says:

    lmao at 0:40
    i used to do that and my brother would get mad at me and stop that that sounds stupid. lmao nd i would just keep doin it . :L

  4. Rosii93 says:

    lol at 0:57 -1:00 “lindsay … lindsay…lindsay … haha”

  5. StephJayneV says:

    Shes wiping her nose what a cokehead.

  6. random5712509 says:


  7. Canada1319 says:

    look at her cleaning out her nose then making weird ass noises. crack head!

  8. hunybuny16 says:


  9. tyfsoa says:

    Linds is so cute…

  10. diva2072 says:

    lindsay looks classy!!!
    but tats one funny ass!!!

  11. opp31337 says:

    shes singing happy birthday stupid fucks

  12. opp31337 says:

    you have no films faggot

  13. Guest3791140 says:

    Yup! shes on something alright!

  14. AraVilches says:


  15. luciferdy says:


  16. luciferdy says:

    she says “calm done fire” at 0:12? LOL

  17. brasilyursch says:

    thats how she acts when shes drunk!! haha…now that she left that lesbo she died her hair and is pretty again!

  18. jonasbrothersfan1712 says:


  19. dammaqueenn says:

    OMG I’m crying of laugh ……. xDDDD

  20. kathyshakedown says:

    shes nutz

  21. javaromaa says:


  22. CeliaNed says:

    WE made you !!

  23. Frenchforever2009 says:

    i want this girl in my next film

  24. mjravago says:

    hahaha.. she’s cute..

  25. melfanDYP says:

    jajaja omg lindsay is back the funny one , the girl that was alwayz smilin i love her!!!

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