Lindsay Lohan made her career resurrecting cameo on “Eastbound and Down”…

And it was for like two minutes and she didn’t even say anything.

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22 Responses

  1. Loveisfun123 says:

    I think she looks pretty good. She look healthier. So, I don’t know why
    people are giving her shit. ?

  2. Blake Austin says:

    No one cares about Lindsey Logan lmao?

  3. Nadya Hailu says:

    she is very talanted i love all her movie i wish her all best?

  4. sushiqt07 says:

    more excited bout Alexander Skarsgard?

  5. Im says:

    East bound and down rocks?

  6. Emma Pigeon says:

    Looking good Lindsay, way to go.?

  7. Vanessa G says:


  8. Jean Moke says:

    ok.. yall see boobs, but oh no, we’re men, thats not as important as
    PENISES.. you fucking faggots?

  9. jennifer ekine says:


  10. Stephanie massre says:

    She looks like hatchet face from cry baby?

  11. MsChankey says:


  12. EL YUKUKU says:

    the worst father in america!! YEAH!! jajajaja this announcer rocks?

  13. Bayley I says:


  14. ASAPgem says:

    first :D?

  15. Waja H says:

    shes actually a dope actress. wish her the best of luck with everything.?

  16. dgdatguy1 says:

    This new google+ shit is gay as fuck, youtube admin this is a mistake and
    you need to fix it?

  17. M.A says:

    I’m soooooooooo over Lindsay, I can’t even find her talented. ..?

  18. hellaskinnyskin says:

    She’s gonna get fat?

  19. GeorgeTheGreek1978 says:

    Lohan is racist?

  20. Ma Poule says:

    I understood CAMELTOE and not CAMEO?

  21. Rafael Rodriguez says:

    I love her, good luck!?

  22. Ghostly_tB says:
