Lindsay Lohan Looks For Apartments Without Sam Ronson

Lindsay Lohan Moved Out Of Sams and Is Out Looking For Apartments On West Knoll

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21 Responses

  1. donttsstop says:

    they ARE just doing their jobs, there’s sooooo much money in these pictures, so of course everyone wants the best shot, so of course they’ll eventually get aggressive when there are alot of papz around, they all want the best shot = the most money
    but ye ofc it’s annoying..

  2. diamond1x12 says:

    That might be true, but I’m pretty sure they like being annoying…
    I think they’d be a little nicer if they REALLY were “just trying to do their job”

  3. donttsstop says:

    ye but they’re just doing their jobs, they say “morning” and “how are you” to be polite cuz they gotta be there anyway, they gotta get their shots.. they get ALOT of money for these videos/pictures.. and that’s on us.. we’re the ones paying the papz bills cuz we’re the ones watching these vids, buying the magazines etc. we’re the stalkers papz are just giving us what we want …

  4. seastarsoup says:

    hey paparazzi, how does it feel to be scum?

  5. karolina22345 says:


  6. starsfound says:

    Is this the first time you all have seen what the paps do ????? geeezzz it’s been happening for YEARS!!

  7. diamond1x12 says:

    dude it’s so creepy how they just like wait outside her house, and when she gets in her car “Morning” like WFT leave her alone stalker..

  8. pyleo20 says:

    is that ali lohan ?? lilo’s sister ?? xD she’s so pretty

  9. pyleo20 says:

    wtf ? is this real ? omg i love rohan 🙁

  10. PopCorn023 says:


  11. ohhlivyahh says:

    whos yelling at the end?

  12. starsfound says:

    i hope samantha is ok

  13. 118sarah118 says:

    paps are pricks man

  14. AllMileyCyrusHaters says:

    i love how sam despises the paps <3 lol

  15. alwayzbored94 says:

    apparently you do enough to watch it. Come on, hollywoodtv doesnt want to waist his time reading your rude comments. thanks for posting!

  16. dublinbetch says:

    absolutely love lindsay!!! dressed well, looking spiffing altogether… and a little cigarette to top it all off… perfection personified…

  17. vhsdream says:

    booo!! maybe they are just taking a break

  18. BjsYO says:

    thats shit!!!!! rohan!!!!

  19. greasyhokellymonaco says:

    fuck firecrotch lesbiany hohan its all a stunt

  20. Teddymmm says:


  21. samanthapauly says:


    who caress? ?

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