Lindsay Lohan Jailed for 5 Hours

Lindsay Lohan was sentenced to her fifth jail sentence, and then was released after five hours of her thirty day sentence. Cenk Uygur ana Ana Kasparian express their frustration with the media endlessly covering the Lindsay Lohan drama. Subscribe to The Young Turks: The Largest Online New Show in the World. Google+: Facebook: Twitter:

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25 Responses

  1. soundslave says:

    @SummerInTahoe yeh, screw that! Give her the death penalty instead hehe.

  2. SummerInTahoe says:

    @antiantiist she’s still kind of hot in Georgia Rule.

  3. SummerInTahoe says:

    @soundslave so after 3 jail terms, he can get by his/her whole life with taxpayers’ money? no thank you.

  4. soundslave says:

    What happened to the 3 strikes rule? I thought you get life after 3 jail terms.

  5. way2jaded1 says:

    I checked her out on IMDB because I though she had done some good movies, but I was wrong.

  6. MollieDaMama says:

    Disappointed young Turks even wasted my time talking bout this stupid bitch …who cares

  7. TekkaSage says:

    It’s amazing and disappointing that people have seriously spent more time talking about her going to jail than the time she has actually spent in jail.

  8. fallout2029 says:

    They just need to give her 5 years, then we wouldn’t hear about her anymore.

  9. FormerlyKnownAsNopez says:

    @clipsryan And again.. incoherent mambo jumbo… You are just an inarticulate moron.

  10. antiantiist says:

    Lindsay Lohan was sexy in The Parent Trap.

    It’s all been downhill from there.

  11. missyouhoo says:

    cooter lol gotta love Ana

  12. chandl34 says:

    Would I look at Lindsay Lohan porn? I was looking for it within 5 seconds of starting this video.

  13. GreasyAnimation says:

    ana said cooter xD

  14. KnightofGascogne says:

    Send that crackwhore to the russians!


  15. wlljon7 says:

    @Adam12088 Then get off this fucking channel, asshole.

  16. barba3gr says:

    @restlesspride666 My “tone”? I don’t mean to denigrate Ms. Lohan, but she is obviously going through a very tough time and I don’t see the merit in taking energy and time to broadcast every step of her life. When she gets her act together, then I might be ready to hear about her achievements. Her liabilities really don’t interest me. It’s as though the world is taking some pleasure out of her poor judgement.

  17. Kinghillerbackup1 says:

    @Algenonn420 lol

  18. Algenonn420 says:

    If she was a black man she would be doing life.

  19. WangDugay says:

    LiLo .. just needs a thick cock in her ass.

  20. MrSpacehopper123 says:

    stop spending our resorses on her
    like our good oxogen

  21. shonnh1 says:

    LMAO!!! at 2:18 when Ana said cooter the transcript put career!!! XD

  22. BigelowPatrick says:

    It is interesting in the fact that if you are famous you won’t serve any jail time.

  23. Ronin1914 says:

    LMAO @ (-7)

  24. BashirH says:

    how many fuckin times does this bitch get to violate probation?

  25. TomHendricksMusea says:

    Maybe this all belongs, not in the news, but in the entertainment section – and even then maybe shift to less corporate, more honest arts.