Lindsay Lohan is RECKLESS!!!

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25 thoughts on “Lindsay Lohan is RECKLESS!!!

  1. java2579

    i’d get the dukes of hazerards car i’d do every drug ever made beer myth dope and so on then i’d drive my car crash and hit 7 cars-trucks-1 bus and hit 27 poeple and start the eat pussy foundashin and take a the longest nap ever jerk off and say dam stright one million times and make 5 year olds watch redtube and make a new franks red hot suace comersel and have 10 litres of really really really really sour lemon jucie and eat 155 lemons and start the worlds epicly sick skate board company

  2. therocker1659

    I’ve watched the video .. she didn’t even touch him … he was basically standing there then “magically” as the other guy asked him “did she hit you?” his hand turned into handicapped mood

  3. LuigiRocs

    I would just enjoy the life of richness, and if things started to go down hill, I’d do something that I could get off the hook with for being a celebrity

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