Lindsay Lohan is back in LA!

Even thought she just vowed to never live here again.

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25 Responses

  1. christian sobber says:

    I heard she gives a great blowjob..?

  2. ouuuhhh says:

    Drugs suck?

  3. FOUAD HIPROCK says:


  4. autumrose1 says:

    On the real! Is that movie ‘Inconceivable” ever going to be produced??

  5. dani merp says:

    except she’s in France right now, nice try tho…?

  6. abubu apura says:

    She’s hideous?

  7. Mycha Nassef says:

    She’s in love with the COCOOOO!!! ?

  8. Katy Hawthorn says:

    Her cheek implants make it look like theres two dicks in her mouth?

  9. anas moukhliss says:

    she need more magic?

  10. SubliminalOrigami says:

    She looked so hot in court though. : (?

  11. mike anvari says:

    she looks like shit?

  12. Mouhamad Darwish says:

    TMZ sucks. Get a life guys, one that does not involve leaching off people
    and spreading lies and rumors about them?

  13. Bun... says:

    and her drug dealer is so happy! ?

  14. peter road House griffin says:

    Wait!? Lindsay Lohan is real?
    I thought Andy Serkis motion capped her or something?

  15. state trooper says:

    she looks like a prostitute ?

  16. steven Yu says:

    You guys are funny and mean !! Love lindsay lohan lol ?

  17. Slightly Biased Kevin Durant Fan says:

    She looks like shit now. ?

  18. Antrone Bohler says:

    ????I’m in ? with the coco!?????

  19. Lindsay Macneill says:

    Leave lindsay alone !!!!!!?

  20. Ilyes milano says:

    God she’s ugly?

  21. erk goat says:

    you only stop lying when you’re dead.?

  22. Jack Baines says:


  23. Logrimot says:

    Hahaha she wouldn’t say she would stop lying ?????

  24. Ri Ranjo says:

    Lindsay looks a lot better?

  25. Lety Ramirez says: