Lindsay Lohan Interview”The Parent Trap”Natasha Richardson,Hayley Mills,Nancy Meyers

You can buy this movie at “DisneyMoviesOnDemand” channel.Lindsay Lohan Interview (“The Parent Trap:Featurette:Updating A Classic”A Look Back At The Making Of…

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4 Responses

  1. jvfunn3000 says:

    I LOVE BOTH MOVIES 1961 AND 1998!?

  2. skad839 says:

    I feel like I watched this on the Disney Channel A LONG LONG time ago.?

  3. escucha1797 says:

    Thank you so much for posting this! This is still my favourite movie, and
    it’s great to hear the cast and crew’s perspective. Also, 11-year-old
    Lindsay Lohan?? Too cute! And R.I.P. to the beautiful and talented Natasha

  4. noemistephanie93 says:

    RIP natasha!?