Lindsay Lohan Interviews Actor Dylan Bruce

The actress steps in for Chelsea Handler and gets all the details on Bruce’s mystery series “Orphan Black.” Take a peek at their cute exchange.

25 thoughts on “Lindsay Lohan Interviews Actor Dylan Bruce

  1. cinderelmo

    Aw Lindsay and Dylan had such great chemistry …very lovely they should work together like a do a movie together or something…..see this is? the kind of guy Lindsay needs in her life a down to Earth nice Canadian guy or non Hollywoodsy guy in her life to keep her grounded and out of trouble so sweet. Glad Linds looks beautiful here.

  2. Sammi Miller

    Eh, not really. It does share a similarity in that both shows have characters who assume the lives of dead look-alikes. But Orphan? Black doesn’t really focus on ‘woman steps into the life of another person’. The character doesn’t intend on playing the person longterm. It’s just a part of the show that opens the door to main plot which is that***SPOILER ALERT***she discovers she is one of many clones who are being mysteriously killed off. It sounds kinda cheesy, but it’s fucking awesome.

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