Lindsay Lohan in Trouble with the Law… AGAIN!

Tell us if you’ve heard this one before… but Lindsay Lohan has managed to find herself SMACK DAB in the middle of yet ANOTHER dilemma with the law.

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24 Responses

  1. qtworth says:

    ….Wooahhhh, soo didn’t see? this coming… again

  2. xRandax94 says:

    Sadly, if you have money,? you can get away with anything

  3. Jume Cleaver says:

    SUCK A BIG BLACK? COCK!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. kurry1990 says:

    shes? such a mess

  5. bradlryan100 says:

    yeah if she? wasnt famous she would obviously not have everone on her ass all the time..Maybe its a good thing.

  6. heangone877 says:

    Bitch is running wild man..she need a? man

  7. lifewithBunmi says:

    im sorry but she is a complete mess.?

  8. TheHelder1976 says:

    Jail for the? bitch, NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  9. russelldawes says:

    I see you are racist yourself. It always? amazes me how some1 such as yourself uses such terms even in this day and age. I suppose there is still those of low class and intelligence still out and about. Box of 64 crayola crayons just messes your head all up, huh!

  10. 0bviousTr0ll says:

    Called it.

  11. nuttyhnatiuk says:

    It’s not fair that just? because she’s famous that she gets treated differently. That’s total BS!

  12. wingersx says:

    Somebody murder this? bitch

  13. ladypulla662 says:

    Black dude spoke the truth. If she was black, off the first crime she would have been in prison for 5 years. And fuck u. This? my opinion

  14. skippyelchulo69 says:

    just lock this bitch up? already!!!!

  15. life4215 says:

    That black dude looks like Kanye? Wesr

  16. el0heem says:

    Dr. Drew,? everyone.

  17. Yoyoredman says:

    It’s obvious she suffers from? Borderline Personality Disorder among other things.

  18. sinnsmd says:

    Cause shes a moron.?

  19. RykComerford says:

    I think she’s talented, or at least she used to be. I wonder? if a psychiatrist could actually figure out why she keeps making the wrong decisions.

  20. moomman89 says:

    Can U say that?? Your a lawyer.GUILTY bitch!

  21. MisterDoodyHead says:

    dear? TMZ,

    please accept my VIDEO RESPONSE entitled…


    thank you,


  22. Mithez says:

    So much for turning? around

  23. pamelitaz013 says:

    i agree with you!!! They’ve giving her lot’s of opportunities. But not to be? mean, I think she needs to get an IQ test or something to see why she doesn’t comprehend that her career, and maybe everything is at risk. She’s not a bad actress either. Let’s Hope she change her ways for her sake.

  24. RHIE35H says:

    Like i? said hot bitches be cra…