Watch the new STUFF PHIL LIKES!! DeFranco Does Dublin! Get your DeFranco SCHTUFF!: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: —————————- ALL of today’s Stories: —————————- Lindsay Lohan on Playboy: Michael Lohan was Arrested: Face Transplant & Interview: Coins? Bangkok Flooding: Oakland Police & Occupy Oakland: “You Did This To My Brother” Today’s Awesome Intro: —————————- music by: Ronald Jenkees: @hagemeister @urbandelights
yes the occupy movement has good ideas and intentions behind it. But its turning into the london riots type scenario. It may have started with a good cause, but now its just turning into needless violence and anger, because people are turning up just to cause trouble, and not to actually support the cause that the occupy movement stands for.
Definitely would like the $1 coin.
It’s a movement with a good cause.
In the Netherlands they got rid of the 1 and 2 cent coin a few years ago because they are absolutely useless.
why do good people always get hurt?
I live near Oakland… It’s ALWAYS like this. If I were a police officer in Oak of course I’d be on edge. A lot of the young kids went over there with no cause. Yeah the police officer did wrong in throwing that flash grenade, but most of the “protesters” there were young “adults” trying to cause trouble. I wish that Marine well and thank him for serving our country and I hope he gets better soon.
i some what support the occupy movement i see their point and that the police are being cynical bastards at times but the movement isnt really helping much
Omg the vlog brothers made a whole video on how much better it would be if america stopped using the dollar note and started using the coin like a couple months ago, they were right!!!
its all good lol
Woo money!
can i have an aston martin?
QOTD – Im in the UK so everything I here about the movement comes from Phil. It looks like the police are making things alot worse for themselves.
occupiers need to get there shit together and make sure they aren’t breaking any laws/city ordinances. then when police do this shit it’s purely the cops fault
Canada has had a $1 coin, even a $2 coin for over a decade. It works well enough. On the stripper angle, with coins strippers play games, like, can you get the coin in a rolled up poster, stuck between her titties, or, can you flick your loonie (thats what we call it, it has a loon on it) and knock off the loonie she’s stuck to her nipples. Prizes = lighters, posters, calenders, yeah, our strippers give fucking prizes baby.
I like where this occupy movement is goin
help me out wit dat down payment
QOTD: They are standing up for the right thing!
Show some love with $100 gift card!
DUDE! TMZ is freakin everywhere! and i hate pennies too and id like my George Washington on a coin! and i think water becomes scarce not scarss 🙂 and Lohan is ugly except for on mean girls! she was super hot then but i every other time was ugly 😛
And it’s funny hearing the cops asking google to take down police brutality videos. People like that should go down ghadaffi style.
where is the 720p, phil? 🙁
@devinchi1 problem?