25 thoughts on “Lindsay Lohan In Court: Probation for DUI Arrest Extended

  1. merary96

    If i get a change to be an actress/singer i’ll try not to use drugs.I once took a sip of alcohol and i didn’t like it(it tastes gross) and i don’t like to go to parties that much so that’s good.

    Maybe you would said:”Your just 12 years
    old,when you grow up you would chance in another person.”
    And i would said:”Maybe,maybe not i just don’t be doing that’s stuff that much”.

  2. 3Salto

    I don’t think this has anything to do with paparazzis. The film business is a killer esp. to kids. How many child actors managed a life without getting into a drug addiction? Think of Tatum O’Neal, Drew Barrymore, McCauley Culkin. Just Jodie Foster comes into my mind who became a strong person without theses problems. Interesting enough she is the only one with a university degree.

  3. animalchick123

    paparazzi should just leave her alone now because of them she is just a wreck thats probably why she drinks so much because shes so frustrated that when she gets drunk she forgets about all of her problems she was fine before the paparazzi kept on makin up stories about her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!>(

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