25 thoughts on “Lindsay Lohan in a Jello Commercial from c.1996

  1. kristineurie44

    @80Cecil ok Cecil. I just hope you dont apply the same logic towards people you meet in everyday life. At the end of the day, you do not know Lindsay and you don’t have to live with her. She makes mistakes like all of us. But she is human, and doesn’t deserve to be criticized by other imperfect people. I’m done as well, May Jesus bless you!

  2. 80Cecil

    @kristineurie44 actually, i dont spend any energy hating on her. Outside the online world she doesnt even exist to me at all. I came across this video because I was watching child star commercials, I comment on most videos I watch and you happened to have replied to my original comment. Im done now.

  3. kristineurie44

    @80Cecil and you know what’s crazy? I’m not even a fan. I think she’s a DECENT actress, nothing special. I just dont understand why people spend their energy hating someone.

  4. kristineurie44

    @80Cecil no one is perfect. Lindsay has her flaws. The last thing she needs are complete strangers judging her. She needs God, not the criticism from men. And what about you? Have you not make mistakes? You aren’t an angel. You have hatred for a complete stranger. I’d say you’re no more better.

  5. 80Cecil

    @kristineurie44 I dont need to know her personal life. IMO anyone who chooses to do drugs/drink and then get behind the wheel, almost kills someone, then shows absolutely no remorse by skipping out on her court date, parties and shops as if she’s above it, IS a horrible person. The rest may be just tabloid and gossip, but what I just said is a FACT, she went to jail for ffs. i dont see how her deluded fans dont get that. She’s lucky she didnt kill anyone or she’d still be sitting in jail now.

  6. kristineurie44

    @80Cecil you do not know her. to say she is a “horrible human being” is an awful thing to say, considering you are only an outside who knows very little about her personal life. You wouldn’t want a complete stranger saying that about you.I know you’re better than that.

  7. 80Cecil

    @kristineurie44 I didnt assume anything actually, I only stated facts.
    And I do look at myself everyday, thank you and Im doing great! Im not worrying about going to jail tonite!

  8. 80Cecil

    @Prepareforoblivion7 how is she still just a kid? Last time I heard she was over 21, that’s an adult. Being irresponsible and spoilt does not mean she’s “still just a kid”.

  9. 80Cecil

    LOL, please. With or without the drugs, this girl is a horrible human being. She never takes responsibilities for her actions and choices, always someone else’s fault or taking “advantage of her”. Now she’s charged with felony for stealing, LOL. TBH, she wasnt even that cute as a kid.

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