25 thoughts on “Lindsay Lohan-I want you to want me

  1. megibabe1

    this and “confessions of a broken heart” are the only songs that I’ve ever heard her sing. this one doesn’t have so much meaning to me though. But I’ve got to admit: she’s good. Oh? yeah, Love the description! XD

  2. Taís Torres

    I want you to want me
    I need you to need me
    I’d loooooooooove yoouuuu to loove meeee
    I’m beggin’ you to beg me

    I want you to want me…
    I want you to want? me…
    I want you to want me…
    I want you to want me!!!!!!!!!!

    I want yoooou!
    I want yoooou! \õ/

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