Lindsay Lohan – I Need you Here [Drugs] (2011 Song)

This is a Song by Lindsay Lohan for her Upcoming 2011 Album: Spirit in the Dark.

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25 Responses

  1. Loveisfun123 says:

    The album Spirit in the dark isn’t even out yet. I’m not sure? anymore, I just know that it was delayed being released for awhile due to rehab and shit.

  2. xAngelguard says:

    is this even LiLo??

  3. MrLiamantonyhoughton says:

    its called stay and its about her relationship? with samantha not drugs!

  4. sherlockpup says:

    She sucks…? why is she singing this?

  5. lindsay sadaf says:

    happy birthday lindsay.i love u more than anything in the world.never stop smiling.your smile reminds me? that i have a reason to live our reason is you

  6. lindsay sadaf says:

    lindsay is real? beauty.plz don’t smoking and drugs.

  7. lindsay sadaf says:

    i love lindsay?

  8. Parodymusicpro says:

    Staaaaayyyyy away? from druggs


    I KINDA LOVE THIS… Good job? Lindsay

  10. LordSolaris says:

    Um, this is REALLY good. Why can’t I find any more versions of it on Youtube? I dunno about some of the lyrics, but it’s really a good song…?

  11. Diventurer says:

    I came here to maybe get a laugh if it was bad.. However, I ended up clicking the like button.?

  12. dipeach25 says:

    she sounds like? justin bieber if you close your eyes

  13. peter101091 says:

    Love it. This song reminds me? of some of Madonna’s songs from the 80’s.

  14. lilo30698 says:

    she is not a lesbian she is back to men and you? know it !!

  15. SpiteSire says:


  16. samiibee says:

    who doesn’t love a hot lesbian.?

  17. ILoveBeingzMe says:

    STFU I personally don’t give a fuck what you think. Your reply was not valued and too damn long. I liked her as a red head fucker and that’s my opinion and what im sticking to. Keep it natural BIIIIYYYYYYAAAAATCCCCHHHH!!!!!!! ?

  18. SpiteSire says:


  19. SpiteSire says:


  20. SpiteSire says:


  21. SpiteSire says:


  22. purplecazy says:

    She actually is? Bi she was daiting a chick at one time i think a year or two maybe more ago.

  23. Annakaye1000 says:

    she can sing but thats offence?

  24. Annakaye1000 says:

    you are justa? stupid hater she isn’t

  25. ILoveBeingzMe says:

    She should of stayed a damn? red head