Lindsay Lohan — Heading Back to Jail!?

Guess what, folks? Lindsay Lohan might be headed back to the slammer! That phrase has completely lost all meaning we’ve used it so much, hasn’t it?

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24 Responses


    JUST STOP talking about her now…..sick of this stupid hoe…..I really was a fan of hers but it’s like damn…..I come? from a family of addicts and thought she was tougher thats way I looked up to her but Lindsay you can just wreck a car & nobody would really care

  2. AyeSkyeTech says:

    because no judge wants to be the judge? that threw her in jail…leave it to the OTHER judge to do…that way “i don’t look bad” type deal

  3. 00mzshay says:

    cuz she’s? rich!

  4. Brog9 says:

    Never talk to police. Just wait for your lawyer. You’d think Lohan would know this? by now

  5. iyasaekki says:

    Why does? that untalented bitch get so many free passes in life?

  6. Craig123Glover says:

    shes a? fucking muppet she had it all and still manages to fuck it all up

  7. gmadera7 says:

    defending lindsey lohan is not a loss cost. the more in trouble lindsey gets? the more her lawyer make$.

  8. MUSTangGRAD2011 says:

    She should stay? there this time, for a very long time

  9. youare anidiot says:

    smh its called? bull shit

  10. dtowntexg says:

    Linday’s lawyer is? sexy

  11. swagteamcdk says:

    I would never get in a? car being operated by Lindsay Lohan.

  12. Salir says:

    It’s called? money.

  13. Ana Prascevic says:

    geezee why dont they just take? her licence away already?

  14. OuttaControlTroll says:

    Sheesh. Those Nickelodean kids grow up & get off the chain, smh. Thx 4? the info

  15. TheLucieg24 says:

    Ughhh! This girl makes me sick! She hasnt done anything productive in years but get in trouble…thats her fame. Child superstar or not, shes grown up and needs to be considered as an adult. Enough with the pity bcuz her? parents were lousy! I cannt wait till she gets locked up for a goood while. She needs to learn!!!!! Fuck her attrny and the judges that always cut her slack!!!!

  16. Jason Levi says:

    She was a child star sort of and for some reason or another got famous and then got SUPER famous when she started doing all these drugs and alcohol related driving shit and it’s? been that way for like 6 years straight. She’s been in trouble with the law and addicted to drugs and in the spotlight since like 2007, maybe earlier. It’s pretty pathetic.

  17. Jason Levi says:

    Lol the Paparazzi did this to her? Bullshit, she’s? a drug addict lesbian because her parents are heartless greedy drug addicted pigs. Learn about it.

  18. Jason Levi says:

    Gosh what a waste she is. Product of greedy unloving parents. This is what happens when you whore? out your child and care about money more than love.

  19. mime1926 says:

    Lindsay! come on! stay out of? trouble!

  20. SuperMalcomn says:

    Lol I’m sure Lindsay? lawyer wants to quit but the judge ruled against it or something like that…don’t quote me.

  21. CanadianRM4 says:

    Lindsay looks like she has a unibrow? on the thumbnail.

  22. BryanSujo says:

    totally? crazy

  23. Kanika Basu says:

    What i dont understand is WHY DOESNT SHE JUST HIRE A DRIVER TO? TAKE HER PLACES? she can afford it okay end rant

  24. MultiFuzzBallz says:

    james johnson is? beast