25 thoughts on “Lindsay Lohan has her BRAIN REMOVED to lose weight!

  1. drewlambert

    The reason for Briney Spears’ New Year’s eve collapse – “I was just tired
    y’all!” Buck: “I’d be tired too if I hadn’t stopped drinking since November
    7. I hope she’s not breast feeding. Most kids dont like Long Island Iced
    Teas until they’re at least 6!” Priceless!!!

  2. MattyJM

    *snort* Yes, he’s gay, he’s camp, that’s what makes him funny, get over it.
    A boring old non-camp newscaster couldn’t present this kind show this

  3. hmyna87

    Expecting Paris to show up is like expecting a Hispanic to pay child
    support…please!! Give that useless, redneck, cunt advertiser Britney a
    break. She is a fine example of “you can take the girl out of the trailer
    park, but you can’t take the trailer park out of the girl”. Appendix,
    shmanendix! Lindsey’s being is as useful as a vagina to a gay man.

  4. Jaariel

    I think you’re a cutie! Don’t let anyone discourage you–you have talent
    and I adore your upbeat yet stinging commentary on all things celeb~~btw I
    think your response posts are funny too–“I don’t think he is acting” LOL!!!

  5. dafttool

    Nice math,…and I thought Hilton was just fired because she’s a no-show
    skank,…oh wait, that was why she hired, only it was because she was an
    all-show skank. Oh well, thanks for clearing that up,…she’s just a plain
    old skank.

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