Lindsay Lohan ‘GMA’ Interview 2012: ‘I Do Relate to Elizabeth Taylor’

Actress discusses portraying legendary actress in Lifetime’s new movie, “Liz & Dick.” For more on this story, click here:

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25 Responses

  1. SnuggleWookiePatch says:

    but her face is so pretty wear? whatever she wants still looks good

  2. stfnmrtl says:

    her shoes are so scary? lol

  3. blueberrykissesxox says:

    the interviewer is really intrusive, i dont like how she? was trying to make it all about lindsay’s personal life instead of the movie

  4. Jayvee Hernandez says:

    We Love You? LILO

  5. wazzup809 says:

    Love lindsay. I really wanna see? this film

  6. Z200a says:

    Nice comment.?

  7. anjelitacamacho1991 says:

    Is her lips and cheeks that makes her face different i remember that her face wasn’t like that before she? was a really pretty girl when she did movies like freaky friday and mean girls.

  8. Cecelia8889 says:

    1 word: DRUGS?

  9. Cecelia8889 says:

    she looks and sounds? like shit.

  10. ikyleapple says:

    comon lindsay fans! we will show the haters!?

  11. andrezavalaTV says:

    shut up , she’s so? sexy

  12. MEE33M says:

    it’s just her lips that make her? look different

  13. aupairdiary says:

    She looks very healthy and focused. I can’t wait to see “Liz & Dick”. I hope she stays that way! Love you? Lindsay!

  14. anjelitacamacho1991 says:

    What happen to her face is? different.

  15. JennaHaze2000 says:

    cough TRAIN WRECK? cough

  16. grindman04 says:


  17. roysgirl11 says:

    the woman interviewing her is? an idiot……

  18. mike198932 says:


  19. datinyone says:

    is that whats going on?.. I wasn’t sure if she had to gain weight? for the part..

  20. datinyone says:

    she was so talented when she was young.. I wish she could get out of the downward spiral she is in, and get back to that.. she is very talented.. and to see it wasted is a? shame.. good luck Lindsay..

  21. Marteena007 says:

    Sad… She used to be beautiful…Now she is another botox? star…

  22. 666mathew says:

    What happened to her voice??

  23. LindsayLohanFans1 says:

    You guys are so fucking rude. Lindsay is a human too, and obv she is much more beautiful than you. Instead? of saying she looks ‘horrible’ behind a computer, buy a mirror and look at yourself.
    YOU guys say ‘stop bullying’ but then say Lindsay looks horrible. Wow.

  24. s3dooooooooooooooon says:

    botox and? cocaine!

  25. 23bezzles says:

    wanna know why people hate her….. BECAUSE SHE’S? NORMAL LOL!