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Thanks for watching my Monday Show, Nation! Month of Free Netflix: My voice was gone from 3 days of Vidcon, the internet was broke…
I heard this phrase “It’s better to be infamous than to be ignored” I think that really sums up why people are pushed to do sick shit like this. They want so desperately to be known for something, to stop being ignored by society so they do something drastic. Unfortunately the only thing that makes it into headlines are terrible acts of human nature. You never see the good. I think that media should switch the way they do? things, so maybe, just maybe, things like this won’t happen.
how about 40 minutes of nonstop play in a rugby game, a sport where people can fall? and get a little bit of dirt on their knees and not pretend like they’re dying.
how to make baseball more interesting
replace the ball with a ball? with spikes
tie it to a long teather and launch it out of a canon
kinf of like sudden death splurnsball
its a bad thing, if you cant even mention your primary source of info then its probably not the right fuking way to convict someone, the govt is always trying to get a cut of your money no? matter the way you get it, casino games are illegal in some states, yet there is nationwide lottery, come the fuk on
they should arrest and try all members of the SOD and put them behind bars for espionage; or is it just illegal when a whistleblower like manning does it? It makes no? sense to me how we could have let Government power go unchecked. It is supposed to be the people that are in charge, not elitists
He’s dying? Alexander… he’s dying.
He said at the beginning that he? had no voice o_O
No. It is dead? from vidcon this weekend.
Is Phil sick? His voice? sounds raspy.
I heard this phrase “It’s better to be infamous than to be ignored” I think that really sums up why people are pushed to do sick shit like this. They want so desperately to be known for something, to stop being ignored by society so they do something drastic. Unfortunately the only thing that makes it into headlines are terrible acts of human nature. You never see the good. I think that media should switch the way they do? things, so maybe, just maybe, things like this won’t happen.
he’s been in? doctor who before :O
Phil, you should watch some rugby ^_^?
Sod is? no good.
that was sids dad on skins?
how about 40 minutes of nonstop play in a rugby game, a sport where people can fall? and get a little bit of dirt on their knees and not pretend like they’re dying.
I think the creators of SOD want the media to SOD OFF!! Or they’ll fake a traffic stop on Reuters?
Ahhhh Matt Smith!! I just died!?
how to make baseball more interesting
replace the ball with a ball? with spikes
tie it to a long teather and launch it out of a canon
kinf of like sudden death splurnsball
i didn’t even notice Phillip’s shirt until? like 8:30 and i couldn’t stop smiling
*the doctor?
What the hell is? Dr. Who?? Is it that this with the trash cans with the plungers?
wrong football mate he means the good football the one that the rest? of the world plays
its a bad thing, if you cant even mention your primary source of info then its probably not the right fuking way to convict someone, the govt is always trying to get a cut of your money no? matter the way you get it, casino games are illegal in some states, yet there is nationwide lottery, come the fuk on
Meg is? a good person.
Ii want to see tennant as? Doctor just one more time
son? of jor-el, kneel before sod!!!
Omg Matt? Smith!
they should arrest and try all members of the SOD and put them behind bars for espionage; or is it just illegal when a whistleblower like manning does it? It makes no? sense to me how we could have let Government power go unchecked. It is supposed to be the people that are in charge, not elitists