Lindsay Lohan Gets In Another Car Wreck

Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: Poor Lindsay Lohan, she is in trouble yet again. Lindsay Lohan was involved in what seems like her hundredth car accident. Yesterday afternoon Lindsay was out shopping in Beverly Hills, then hopped in her black Porsche Panamera. Lindsay was driving down Sunset Blvd in Hollywood when she hit a standstill car.

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10 Responses

  1. karrasfather says:

    What do? Lindsay and her cars have in common. They all end up smashed.

  2. Jeyika says:

    wtf can someone please take of? her license.

  3. seanw23 says:

    AGAIN….?! girl, you disgust me. *rolls eyes*

  4. huggiesxox says:

    This? girl needs HELP fast !!

  5. YTfancol says:

    Like my favorite blogger said? : “Get this bitch a bus pass” ……….and pronto !!

  6. mullinaxbridgett43 says:

    she has become no more than a skank drunk bitch that? cant drive worth a shit

  7. jay256385 says:

    Take the car keys? away from her already. Enough is enough of this shit.

  8. 1992junekid says:

    This is? getting very old

  9. foxfire33cm90 says:

    Was? she drinking?

  10. Budsmokerhaha says:

    women drivers, no survivors?