Lindsay Lohan funnyordie

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15 Responses

  1. XeXIMenu says:


  2. HooligansHelper says:

    Boy,? did I fuck that up! No matter what you turn yourself into, this is the girl I will remember.

  3. Juanlohan says:

    Pick? ME!! Lindsay!

  4. blueovaltrucks says:

    At least she did it and realizes the? view the world has of her.

  5. nliausacmmv says:

    @Pahsimishi Stay back, she’s mine!?

  6. AdamCW2k5 says:

    id tap? that, cause i just know shed be dynamite in bed !

  7. hithererandom says:

    I actually really respect her for? doing this. First time I saw it I didn’t believe it. Poor young woman. 🙁 At least this is purposefully humorous. XD

  8. AustinHobs says:

    She is so pretty

  9. Pahsimishi says:

    My name is number1fluffer and I’m searching for a? crazy redhead…

  10. HooligansHelper says:

    Jokes on me and? no-one is laughing.

  11. HooligansHelper says:

    You don’t want me, I’d just wreck your life. I can fix it from here.?

  12. PedroNicanoreTV says:

    I’d tap? dat.

  13. jhonatansody says:

    Lilo rules!! cus Im so alone!! lol ?

  14. Darksteel1335 says:

    Did they remove the original from YouTube? And is it me or does? she look 10 years older than she should?

  15. pt606 says:

    This video is made of 100% pure? win.