Lindsay Lohan Full Interview With David Letterman 09 04 2013


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24 Responses

  1. tscholent says:

    Never followed her story and heard about Ms.Lohan via my wife who says she is trouble…however seeing this? clip I must say that Ms.Lohan has that (je ne sais qoi…sorry I was born in Switzerland after the war) special something and reminds me of Marilyn Monroe…I think one of these years she? is going to make people eat their own words.

  2. TheJufh87 says:

    I like her? …

  3. Christine Han says:

    Especially for a 26 y/o she? does LOOK attractive lol

  4. DJCalimovement says:

    hopefully? not.

  5. SplitGoose says:

    Not for a 26 y/o? she doesn’t lol.

  6. SplitGoose says:

    “Hope she puts all negativity behind her.”
    I bet we’ll be saying this? for a few more years haha!

  7. Gllora M. Georgieva says:

    David Letterman is a? d*ck…he’s so rude. I’m happy that Lindsay is getting better…

  8. DJCalimovement says:

    She handled herself with class throughout the interview. Hope she puts all negativity behind her. She seems like a good person. ?

  9. Ashelia Simmons says:

    He was rude. I don’t care how much she’s fucked up, you can tell she’s making herself? laugh.

  10. izzzDelta says:

    #Latterman is a? dick… PKA bitch

  11. kellywiggle1 says:

    i said? body wise. she used too look anorexic.

  12. MsUltimateAddict says:

    She looks healthy? She? looks botoxed 😀

  13. ilovethesmellof says:

    drugs keep you thin,? it seems

  14. Christine Han says:

    she’s still attractive? 🙂

  15. Maja Milesic says:

    David letterman is such a faggot to her? on purpose :/

  16. nora8880 says:

    i kinda feel bad for her with all the questions and jabs he’s? throwing at her

  17. Savannah Isabella says:

    I think she kept her self together so well & redirected the convo graciously. The only thing I dislike is what she’s done to her face. If she? stays clean tho & positive it’ll male up for her looks. I miss seeing her on the big screen! Get better girl.

  18. Hattie Huybers says:

    I’m pretty sure she knows she has messed up, seeing as she does make jokes about herself and her past. Come on, he? was being rude, she was trying to focus on her new self and he kept bringing up her past. She handled it very well I thought. She is a strong person for getting through this, and I hope she stays happy and healthy.

  19. lamirol . says:

    i love this girl, her voice,her smiles,the way she looks at audience,i watch this video every time? i miss her laugh.

  20. Jessica Trujillo says:

    leave her the? fuck alone NO one’s PERFECT.

  21. advanced2009 says:

    chain? smoking + face lift in your 20’s = DEAD CAREER

  22. TheEIements says:

    hey dave, heres an idea. try not being? a dick sometime

  23. Violette Little says:

    I love letterman funny shit and lilo is so fake she didn’t almost cry fuck she? makes me

  24. R Kollman says:

    Letterman, you are a big asshole.

    Lindsey, Good Luck!!!!