16 thoughts on “Lindsay Lohan – Frankie & Johnny / Red River Valley

  1. AZ857

    1. Cover your mouth with your hand
    2. Make a wish into the hand
    3. Close the hand (make it into a fist )
    4. Hold the fist against your heart for 5 seconds
    5. Repost this 3 times
    6. Tomorrow will be the best day of your life

  2. milleniumwmn

    LOL!! I saw the movie and I couldn’t stop laughing… such an imagination!!! The invented lyrics were hilarious.
    And I don’t care what others say, I think she is a very good actress (and comedienne )but she is still very young. She’ll be great when she gets older.

  3. thewaymouth

    – You people do know this is a movie.
    – I know, right.
    – Lindsay’s character doesn’t know the words to F&J, & is making up them up as she goes.
    – It’s a gas. “…He died from eating squirrel.” & the last note on “that was all she wrote” is a beaut.

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