Lindsay Lohan Found Unconscious — Full Details and Update

Lindsay Lohan was found unconscious in a hotel room, but don’t worry guys, she was NOT HOSPITALIZED and she’s doing just fine. – Subscribe Now! – Like Us! – Follow Us! Paramedics rushed to the Ritz Carlton hotel in marina del rey earlier today, responding to a call that Lindsay Lohan was found unconscious. Here are the details: Lindsay hasn’t been feeling well and was complaining about exhaustion. She called someone on the “Liz and Dick” production team to let them know how she was feeling, and that person sent a private doctor to her hotel room. When there was a knock on her door, she didn’t answer, so they determined her “unresponsive.” It was THEN that the 911 call was placed. Lindsay’s publicist has released a statement—he said, “Lindsay was examined and is fine, but did suffer some exhaustion and dehydration. Lindsay was never taken to a hospital; reports to the contrary are false. She is resting now and is hoping to be back on set later this afternoon.” Leave your thoughts and comments below, and don’t forget to sub to ClevverNews—we’ll keep you posted on more Lindsay Lohan details as they break. Hosted By: Deidre Behar

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23 Responses

  1. ANDREWLIVE1 says:

    I’m glad she’s fine and i just hope no more things like this happens while filming this movie. i really? want to see it!

  2. ThePaovillaciscano18 says:

    I miss the Lindsey? Lohan that played Herbie
    Where is she?

  3. TVGURL1298 says:

    Deidre you are such a great reporter!! Thanx for the? update! And you should do your hair like this more!!

  4. yumOMNOMNOMyum says:

    she is talented so? you can shut the fuck up.

  5. MrKiller66613 says:

    shes an untalented? former child star waste of life, a druggie alcholic, and a whore, why would you like her?

  6. Hillieboygenius says:

    she’s OK she was dehydrated ?

  7. HungerGamesFanForeva says:

    I hope you? die bitch

  8. MrKiller66613 says:

    i hope this? cunt dies

  9. jackson fan says:


  10. mishiebooboo says:

    she used to be? so pretty ): what happened?

  11. joyce1830 says:

    I actually don’t care whether she lives or dies…no, wait a minute….I changed my mind…I would prefer she dies…let’s move on to the next over-exposed, over-indulged, selfish nut job bitch and watch her rake in the cash, never do any good with it spend it all on clothes and drugs and then drop dead from? her own stupidity and we are all suppose to feel sorry for her…HA…I’ll save my sympathy for all the kids she could have helped with the money she used to drug herself into idiocy GO AWAY

  12. cmy4re2 says:

    Dumb? bitch has being doing drugs again!!! the same as when she crashed her car!!!

  13. ceear14 says:


  14. 2843pedro says:

    *yawn*. Probably? had a three course breakfast in the hotel diner and feeling better than ever, she was never found unresponsive. God you people will believe anything.

  15. AFanHere says:

    not? drug related WOW!

  16. disdat2304 says:

    This worries me. I really hope she takes better care of herself.?

  17. Rosesparkles2011 says:

    thumbs up if you? thought she was drunk!!

  18. littleEpicMonsters says:

    Lets go? to the beach~each! Lets Go get a wave!!!! i love you, D!

  19. gatonegro199 says:

    ohhhh poor lindsay but? im glad she wasnt incontient for drogs

  20. ericadawnify says:

    why would i care if she was hospitalized? lol better off?

  21. TheRenni777 says:

    Lindsay. T___T?

  22. reoha098 says:

    no topic? just date and lindsay lohan?? hehe

  23. theshowstopper96 says:

    FIRST !? (: