Lindsay Lohan Feuds With the Hiltons

LiLo may be out of rehab, but that doesn’t mean she’s not getting into trouble. Hear about her alleged Miami mishap on “Chelsea Lately.”

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7 Responses

  1. CertifiedFunny says:

    We can see Hilton on Mob Wives. We might watch it.?

  2. LifeisTakingOver says:

    Chelsea, please get Paris on the show!?

  3. Rachel Reger says:


  4. ticosweat says:

    that clip went absolutely nowhere…..bad choice of what to post here.?

  5. MissTallcans says:

    Dang ches you lookin haggard?

  6. Lukas Palumbo says:

    she actually commented about it on Barren’s instagram post, not a tweet. ?

  7. E! Entertainment says:

    *Lindsay Lohan* may be out of rehab, but that doesn’t mean she’s not
    getting into trouble.

    Hear about her alleged *Miami* mishap involving *Paris Hilton* on *Chelsea