Lindsay Lohan Extreme Dieting Why Soooooo Thin???

Lindsay Lohan Extreme Dieting Why Soooooo Thin???

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24 Responses

  1. dohertyz says:

    curves and ass > skin and bones

  2. ChooseRedBull says:

    What’s wrong with none of the ‘Despertae Housewives’ weighing anything above 130 pounds? According to BMI a 5’10” adult can be healthy at 130 pounds. And I don’t think any of them are nearly that tall (especially Eva)!

  3. 190GoingOn115 says:

    anyway i love her face….she? is so pretty!

  4. hotKnife612 says:

    those fuckers gotta stop snorting..

  5. muna4eva says:

    130lbs is not little

  6. Crazylove224 says:

    It’s called cocain

  7. SeeWithoutHavingtoGo says:

    Why does this video make out that it’s really shocking that none of the Desperate Housewives has a weight above 130 pounds? For God’s sake, if Eva was 130 pounds she’d have a BMI of 25.2; 25 and above is considered overweight. Even Marcia, who’s the tallest of the actresses at 5’8″, could afford to weigh as low as 122 pounds and she’d still have a healthy BMI of 18.5. I’m all for convincing people that they don’t need to be underweight to be attractive, but 130 pounds is hardly abnormal!

  8. Lolhiphop918 says:

    they’re not too thin. They’re perfect! I really wanna be like them.

  9. dingiedongiedang says:

    lindsay is desperately trying to lose weight probs cause shes working on a new movie….Labor Pains….no kidding!!shes cool

  10. Paigeylou09 says:

    they’re beautiful !

  11. BeBeAyumi says:

    did the mod say some bitch stars in the beginning? XDD

  12. kriccistarr says:

    i love lilo she is beautiful no matter what

  13. TwilightContest09 says:

    i want to be skinny like la loca lohan XD hahahah joking XD

  14. oxford0university says:

    no its not in fashion thats rom like ages ago

  15. pandybug says:

    I don’t get it. Why can’t the hourglass figure be appreciated anymore?

  16. nirvanachika87 says:

    People focus more on the dress size, then bone structure. It’s more about body frame then actual dress size, there are people who are very heathy at size 0, and there are people that are very unhealthy and underweight at size 10. For some it it physically imposible to become that small because of their body frame. And this is also where people get fat and skinny mixed up, since it has nothing to do with dress size and everything to do with body frame.

  17. ColeyBabee says:

    okay i wasn’t gonna watch this but i did. it was well waw. i hate lidnsay lohan. but this video wasn’t really topping my errm thoughts about certain things ol

    okay i shall shut up naw :] xO

  18. IAmLikeanOnion says:

    I agree that the current skinny epidemic in LA isn’t right. But are videos like this, really the right way to go about solving the problem? I mean, part of the reason celebrities become so thin, is for the press-attention. Videos like this, that make a deal about them and their bodies are only going to encourage them to lose even more weight!

  19. letsgohawaii says:

    yes they believe they are beautiful,they are told that they look great!hollywood has a lot of issues….

  20. letsgohawaii says:

    shes gorgeous!!!

  21. letsgohawaii says:

    yeah shes always pretty!she didnt look good then.

  22. Maiky2010 says:

    It’s really a problem in hollywood that the stars are getting thinner and thinner. Do they think they’re beautiful? Whatever, i still love Linds and I’ll keep supporting her. Great vid btw!

  23. a6n1a9 says:

    she is really pretty… but I hope she is also healthy… I care about her very much

  24. alexruizargueta says:

    anyway i love her face….she is so pretty!

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