Lindsay Lohan Eastbound and Down Role! DETAILS!

Lindsay Lohan on Eastbound and Down! Details on her guest starring role! – Subscribe Now! – Follo…

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24 Responses

  1. Anna Lopez says:

    I’m so happy thing are turning around for? her better late than never

  2. Carl Docto says:

    When will this be on? air??

  3. dorothy arredondo says:


  4. armand van staden says:

    I think she’ll be good in? game of thrones

  5. Sukhmunn Kaur says:

    I? love her so much! And im over joyed that she is focusing on her work and trying to make a come back! #Clevverettes

  6. Kelli Jean says:

    So proud of her! She’s really focusing on her work now. Love that she’s? doing well.

  7. sizzleyou says:

    I was watching freaky friday the other day and I’ve missed her acting.She’s def a talented girl.I’m anticipating? for a big comeback.

  8. Emilia Roy says:

    I’m so glad she’s? improving! I love Lindsay as an actress so much! Like it’s been said, or sung, Even the best fall down sometimes. <3

  9. Charlie Brown says:


  10. aislinn white says:


  11. mstwilight55555 says:

    good for her! #clevverettes?

  12. Nicole dream high says:


  13. alwaysSHOUTlisamrie says:

    I love Lilo so? much! I loved all the movies she’s been in from the parent trap to herby, I’d love to see her in a comedy. I think shed do great! #Clevverettes

  14. beckyprat14 says:

    Love Lilo please get on? track

  15. flower9234 says:

    I’m so proud of? her!#clevverettes

  16. Suzie Thomas says:


  17. Suzie Thomas says:

    i always knew that she would come back around! im so proud of her, she’s finally in a good place!(: btw,? love you and katie, i always watch your videos<3

  18. ons tvd says:

    Yeeeey I knew it ! I always believed in? her ! #Clevverettes

  19. Karmveer Dhaliwal says:

    I love Lindsy Lohan! I knew? she wold get back on her feet! And what not to love? Shes gorgeous and I mean hey, her mugshots looked wayy better than my profile pictures on Facebook <3 XOXO MUAAHH

  20. Kynan123321 says:

    Honestly, she’s very talented. She has a? lot of potential and seemed to be very versatile as an actress. I really want her to do well. 🙂

  21. kayla15x says:

    I am so hopeful for Lindsey! I? was really happy to hear that she was doing well and really started to get back into work and being the funny, awesome celebrity we know her as! I’m really happy for her and I hope she continues on this path because I KNOW she will be very successful! Andddd, Deidre! Your hair is so so gorgeous, you look so pretty, and you did a great job reporting! #clevverettes4life #clevverettes #clemazebeans

  22. Apple You says:

    I hope Lindsay comes bak to the old way she was! I love? clevvernews and this brightens my day! The way you guys are always happy! So please give me a shout out I would love this XxUnknown #clevverettes #clamazing

  23. Megan says:

    Go Lindsay!!! I am excited for her career to take off again. She has? so much talent and it should not be put to waste! Love her! #Clevverettes

  24. virgoakawaad says:

    So true… Lindsay , come back? to us we miss you..luv u Deidre #clevverettes