Lindsay Lohan – Don’t Move On, Living For The City, Changes,

Confessions Of A Teen Age Drama Queen, musical part Don’t Move On, Living Fot The City, Changes And That Girl Medley Walt Disney All Rights Reserved

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25 Responses

  1. KomoriutaKarin says:

    The pitch is raised a bit. But yeah this is still good!

  2. MileyAshDemiSellyFan says:

    shes awesome! but her voice sounds higher than in the movie???

  3. RodeoGirl2101 says:

    hate that movie,. but i lovee this song

  4. hersheysgrlXOXO says:

    diz song izz soo kewl! i love it! and i love her movie! its awsome!

  5. nat9lie124 says:

    ahhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh i love you lidsney……………..

  6. islandlover97 says:

    Wat happened to da old lindsey but wat ever still love her

  7. nat9lie124 says:

    OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love this song sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much it could be my only favorite song ever…………

  8. xbimbolicious says:

    yeaaah david bowie (:
    i love this film x

  9. oachee789 says:

    ahh the old lisnday lohan

  10. saul4307 says:

    ovio primero ashley tisdale y luego ella:D 🙂


    no, it doesn’t sound like that in the movie, it sounds like the poster raised the pitch of her voice, i can do it on my computer.

  12. 92099985 says:

    wuau si que si, en realidad todas las chicas o chicos desean su cuerpo jaja 😀 tiene una cintura y unoooos…. jaja hasta yo eh ! si que si oseeea….soy mujer y aun asi digo que es linda y tiee una buena voz, bueno primero es ashley tisdale luego ella…jaja 😀

  13. 92099985 says:

    wuau..tiene una excelente voz, yo quiero su voz, me encantaron todas sus peliculas, y bueno tiene un buen cuerpo hay que admitirlo, anque soy mujer y les admito que no soy lesbiana ni nada, pero todas quisieran su cuerpo

  14. VamLoveAndKisses says:

    I think it is her voice, but she has probably had a LOT of help from a LOT of electrical equimpment!

  15. XXXBOBINXXX1 says:

    I remember Parent Trap…so cute 🙂

  16. phelpsxxfan says:

    awh i miss linds.
    whats happened to le lohan 🙁

  17. joaolohan says:

    it ‘s obviously her voice. you probably don’t know how she sounds cuz you’re not that used to hear her sing/act.

  18. oachee789 says:

    ahh the old lisndey lohan

  19. JTT4everlover says:

    well believe it or not but it is her but at the second song she kinda made her voice sound a little like a kid

  20. swanne50123 says:

    im sorry but this doesnt sound like her…:/
    im probably wrong..but it just doesnt

  21. llapanaticsinchi says:

    Cuando la vi y escuche cantar esta cancion, la verdad que me enamore de ella, asi con todos sus defectos, es de lo mejor…

  22. JeSuSfReAkS4eVeR says:

    I luv this movie!!!!!! I watched it yesterday!!!

  23. MegYParaDise says:

    Yes It Is Really A gOod mOvie !
    And She’s A Great Actrice x)

  24. cassiebrowning says:

    i love this movie, and her voice is really ugooddd

  25. WolfCyrus says:

    Aw, I miss that old Lohan!

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