Lindsay Lohan-Don´t move on

From her movie Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen

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25 Responses

  1. bif668 says:

    I like this song and donghae is dumb

  2. iwuvyou4ever says:


  3. mmtgss says:

    Vous est bon!
    You’re good!

  4. sarahsuffocate1 says:

    Did i just see Megan Fox?

  5. MusicAllFamous says:


  6. xiaou1 says:

    Je suis française mais je parle un peu anglais!
    I love this song! Is my favourite song!

  7. wenzba says:

    Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen

  8. uschiebabymaus says:

    bekentnisse einer high school diva . . 😉

  9. manoniscoole says:

    from witch movie is it?

  10. eirinbe says:

    Aw, cute song 🙂
    And Lindsay was so young and beautyfull here,

  11. MizzJenstar15 says:

    dont move on ….

  12. XDAreanaXD says:

    Whats the song called? 🙂

  13. Iluvgayboys says:

    I love her outfit lol but I could never pull it off. Love the song as well 🙂

  14. xxbetaneaxx says:

    i love it !!! her voice is so ,,,,, what’s the word? :p lol
    i want to download the song <3<3

  15. mulioctaveman says:

    I get chills every time I listen to this song.

  16. xxwickedxx6567 says:

    omg! it’s megan fox!
    I forgot she was in this!

  17. maedchen1001 says:

    the woman whos playing the piano is very funny 😀

  18. j0nnhy0 says:

    like this little song…

  19. MonkeyOctober says:

    The movie was pretty bad

  20. puppygirl301 says:

    I bought the dvd yesterday it is way cool ive 4 times all ready lol.

  21. triplethreat614 says:

    i think of it as “unrealistic movie moments”.

  22. xXRanterzzzXx says:

    u guys should read the book it is freaking awesome like the movie

  23. rashid255 says:

    she has so nice voice

  24. tipsi18 says:

    To dopeclown – i think shes got really sexy voice, and ur ass can oly break wind, wiseacre.

  25. LyricsMania09 says:

    She cant actully sing,,,
    i no her fans think she can but its called..

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