Lindsay Lohan — Dodging Jail AGAIN!?

Don’t ask us how she does it… but it looks like Lindsay Lohan is once again dodging a MAJOR bullet and will NOT be sentenced to jail. How does this girl do it!?

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25 Responses

  1. FAHQU BEACH says:

    I? hope she ODs.

  2. fairuza38 says:

    Lindsay lohan is a victim people love to see someone sweet like lindsay feel sad. She needs? more love and kindness not jail.god bless you lindsay. Love always, betsey onnie

  3. dimensionalyspeaking says:

    lol with that moniker

    comment as you? did…


  4. dimensionalyspeaking says:


  5. dimensionalyspeaking says:

    i love this bad girl, good she dodged? the bully…

  6. Blaze3079 says:

    If you ask me she belongs in jail because she is one stupid bitch who does not know when to stop and she? only has to pay fines.

  7. thatBigfuu says:

    she? can slob on my Knob

  8. BobsiArtistOfficial says:

    Check? out my music video…… won’t be disappointed.

  9. MurderSquad247 says:

    This broad’s snitchin’.?

  10. PhillyKid07 says:

    correction – white blonde chick with money*

    rich black people? still go to jail

  11. SuperWinning2012 says:

    I want her to go to jail and? get help to bring her life back in the right direction.

  12. bbcasting says:



  13. Adam Moreira says:

    I know? you may have heard this before, but…

    Call your lawyer, call your friends
    Lindsay just dodged jail again,
    Again, Again, Again, Again, Again and Again
    Lindsay just dodged jail AGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIN!

  14. Nathanel Blank says:

    Jail for what exactly? Video evidence proved to us that she didn’t shoplift the necklace. A car accident in which she was injured she can simply clams it was the injurious that caused her to allegedly? lie to the officers. You want her thrown in jail for knocking a gipsy out because the crazy witch couldn’t handled being blown off? Seriously my brother why do you want her in jail? For snubbing “the law” or for wearing fuck you nail polish in court? (fucking bad ass!)

  15. ProSkinny says:

    Crack? Whore!

  16. BLOWINKU5H says:


  17. 007treybaby says:

    This Lil white bitch gets away everytime,but if she was? a a black girl,she would be up under the jail right now…

  18. thedarklordsknigh says:

    the sad thing is she doesn’t have that kind? of money

  19. rugr82day says:

    Most homeless would sell the $10.00 gift card for? $6-$8 cash.

  20. Zk8et says:


  21. MrBibi86 says:

    she needs prison it will be a good? thing for her!!!

  22. BarlowEnter says:

    “I want Lindsay to go to jail, more than I want my uncle to be release from jail.” Well, that answered your own question, insisting black man. Your opinion is? biased.

  23. MrChance18 says:

    10 coffees….for? energy

  24. natalhab says:

    she need limits. ?


    She’ll be dead in a few years.?